BC849CW transistors equivalent, npn general purpose transistors.
* Low current (max. 100 mA)
* Low voltage (max. 45 V). APPLICATIONS
* Low noise stages in tape recorders, hi-fi amplifiers and other audio-frequency equipment.
* Low noise stages in tape recorders, hi-fi amplifiers and other audio-frequency equipment. DESCRIPTION NPN transist.
NPN transistor in a SOT323 plastic package. PNP complements: BC859W and BC860W. MARKING TYPE NUMBER BC849BW BC849CW Note 1. ∗ = - : Made in Hong Kong. ∗ = t : Made in Malaysia. Fig.1 MARKING CODE(1) 2B∗ 2C∗ TYPE NUMBER BC850BW BC850CW MARKING CODE(1).
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