
NX13P44A NYQUEST Single-Chip 32-bit MCU

Description 1. Update NX1 line-up. 2. Modify block diagram. 1.1 2017/02/24 3. Modify pin names and description. 4. Modify development environment. 5. Update NX1 hardware pictures. 1. Add LVR values per I_HRC conditions. 2. Rename VDD_SPI0 to SPI0_VDD 1.2 2017/05/31 3. DC Characteristics. 4. Modify NX1 Memory Map. 5. 5. Correction at Halt mode. Modified Page - 9 12 13 77 81, 82 10 13 15, 16 19 22 ...
Features ............................................................................................................................11 1.3 Block Diagram....................................................................................................................15 1.4 Pad Description.......................................................................

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