32-bit single-chip microcontrollers.
{ Number of instructions: 83
{ Minimum instruction execution time:
20 ns (@ 50 MHz operation with main clock (fXX)) { Clock
* Main clock oscillation: fX = 3 to 6..
{ Applications that require Ethernet controller Home audio, printers, and scanners.
* V850ES/J.
The μPD70F3826, 70F3827, 70F3828, 70F3829 (V850ES/JF3-E), and μPD70F3830, 70F3831, 70F3832, 70F3833 (V850ES/JF3-E), and μPD70F3834, 70F3835, 70F3836, 70F3837 (V850ES/JG3-E) are products of the V850 32-bit single-chip microcontrollers, and include per.
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