
NQ5E080TD1-E STMicroelectronics (https://www.st.com/) Quad channel high-side driver

Description The VNQ5E080TD1-E is a quad channel high-side driver manufactured using ST proprietary VIPower® M0-5 technology. The VNQ5E080TD1-E is designed to drive 12 V automotive grounded loads, and to provide protection and diagnostics. It also implements a 3 V and 5 V CMOS-compatible interface for use with any microcontroller. The device integrates advanced protective functions such as load current limitat...
Features ro
■ General P
  – Inrush current active management by te power limitation le
  – Very low standby current so
  – 3.0 V CMOS compatible inputs b
  – Optimized electromagnetic emissions O
  – Very low electromagnetic susceptibility -
  – Compliance with European directive t(s) 2002/95/EC
  – Very low current sense leakage uc
■ Diagnostic functions d
  – Proportiona...

Datasheet PDF File NQ5E080TD1-E Datasheet - 423.74KB


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