
LC863348 Datasheet, Sanyo Semicon Device

LC863348 microcontroller equivalent, 8-bit single chip microcontroller.

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LC863348 Datasheet

Features and benefits

(1) Read-Only Memory (ROM) : 65024 × 8 bits / 57344 × 8 bits / 49152 × 8 bits 40960 × 8 bits for program 16128 × 8 bits for CGROM 640 × 8 bits (including 128 bytes for RO.


Pin Description Table Terminal I/O VSS XT1 I XT2 O VDD I RES FILT O I VS I HS R O G O B O I O BL O Port 0 P00 - P07 Function Description Negative power supply Input terminal for crystal oscillator Output terminal for crystal oscillator Positive power.

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