
TB6552FNG Datasheet, Toshiba Semiconductor

TB6552FNG ic equivalent, dual-bridge driver ic.

TB6552FNG Avg. rating / M : 1.0 rating-11

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TB6552FNG Datasheet

Features and benefits

* Power supply voltage for motor: VM ≤ 15 V (max)
* Power supply voltage for control: VCC = 2.7 V to 6.0 V
* Output current: 1 A (max)
* Low ON resistor: .


Remarks Small-signal GND pin Control signal input 1 (Ch. A) Control signal input 2 (Ch. A) PWM control signal input pin (Ch. A) Standby control input pin (Ch. A) Output pin 1 (Ch. A) Output pin 2 (Ch. A) GND pin for motor Motor power supply pin Out.

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