106m250/212m500 dual rate pecl and lvds oscillator.
* 3.3V LVPECL or 3.3V LVDS
* Output frequency select
* Enable/Disable output for test and board debug
* Hermetically sealed ceramic SMD package
* Exce.
* 1Gbps, 2Gbps, 4 Gbps Fiber Channel
* Storage Area Network
* Host Bus Adapter
* RAID controller
Vectron’s VCC6-D Crystal Oscillator (XO) is quartz stabilized square wave generator with a LV-PECL or LVDS output, operating off a 3.3 volt supply. The VCC6 uses high quality on-chip multiplier to multiply a 26.5625 crystal to either 106M250 or 212M5.
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