* 2.8-GHz Bandwidth
* 3.2-kΩ Differential Transimpedance
* Automatic Gain Control (AGC)
* 8.8-pA/√Hz Typical Input Referred Noise
* 2-mAp-p Maximum In.
* SONET/SDH Transmission Systems at OC24 and OC48
* 4.25-Gbps, 2.125-Gbps, and 1.0625-Gbps Fiber-Channel Receive.
The ONET4291TA is a high-speed transimpedance amplifier used in optical receivers with data rates up to 4.25 Gbps.
It features a low input referred noise, 2.8-GHz bandwidth, automatic gain control (AGC), 3.2-kΩ transimpedance, and received signal str.
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