IP2368 Datasheet, driver equivalent, Injoinic

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Integrated buck-boost driver. of common customized models model IP2368_BZ IP2368_COUT IP2368_I2C_COUT Function Description standardIP2368,support2-6Battery charg

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PD3.0 、 2~5 30W 1 IP2363   BUCK-BOOST NMOS  30W  2 IP2363 、 2~5  :2/3/4/5      , 30W  5~20V k  (4.20V) (3.65V) e  .

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1~4 / IC 1 IP2365: 3 IP2365: IP2365 、  MOS 1~4 / IC。  :5V 26V IP2365 MOS,,  1-4 400kHz, 94%(24V ,  , 20V  3A  ( k )  NTC .

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PD3.1 、 2~6 140W 1 IP2366 2 IP2366  2~6 /  BUCK-BOOST NMOS 3 IP2366  140W  IP2366 AFC/FCP/PD2.0/      , 3.65V/4..

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IP2368 - a lithium battery charge management (ChipSourceTek)
Support PD3.0 fast charge input protocol, support 2~6 series batteries Integrated buck-boost drive, Charging management chip with a maximum charging p.

IP2368 - A power management (Injoinic)
Translated from Chinese (Simplified) to English - .onlinedoctranslator. IP2368 supportPD3.0And other fast charging input and output protocols, .

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IP2368H PD3.0 、 2~6 100W 1   BUCK-BOOST NMOS 2  100W   , :4.1V~4.4V, : 3.5V~3.7V  , 100W  2/3/4/5/6   FCP  AFC  .

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