NCP3284 Datasheet, regulator equivalent, ON Semiconductor

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Part number: NCP3284

Manufacturer: ON Semiconductor (

File Size: 396.47KB

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Description: Single-Phase Voltage Regulator

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NCP3284 Features and benefits

* VIN = 4.5 V ~ 18 V with Input Feedforward
* VOUT = 0.8 V ~ 5.5 V with Remote Voltage Sense
* Fsw = 500k/600k/800k/1 MHz Switching Frequency
* Output Cur.

NCP3284 Application

* Point of Load
* Telecom and Networking
* Server and Storage System
* Computing Applications © Semicon.

NCP3284 Description

Pin Name 1 ILIM 2 PGOOD 3 VIN 4 VCC 5 VDRV 6 7~10,19 11~18 20~24 GL PGND SW PVIN 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33~34 35 36 PHASE BOOT EN VOS SS FB VSNS− AGND NC HICCUP# MODE/FSET Type Analog Output Logic Output Power Input Analog Power Ana.

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ON Semiconductor

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