MP1620 - PNP Transistor
isc Silicon PNP Darlington Power Transistor DESCRIPTION ·With TO-3PN packaging ·Very high DC current gain ·Monolithic darlington transistor with inte.U1620G - 16 Ampere Surface Mount Common Cathode Ultra Fast Recovery Rectifier
U1620G thru U1660G ® U1620G thru U1660G Pb Pb Free Plating Product 16 Ampere Surface Mount Common Cathode Ultra Fast Recovery Rectifier Feature .STPR1620CT - ULTRA-FAST RECOVERY RECTIFIER DIODES
www.DataSheet.co.kr ® STPR1620CG/CT/CR ULTRA-FAST RECOVERY RECTIFIER DIODES MAIN PRODUCTS CHARACTERISTICS IF(AV) VRRM Tj (max) VF (max) trr (max) 2.TM1620 - LED drive control circuit dedicated
• • • • • • • -1- VCC 10K DIO CT GND -2- LED -3- -4- CLK DIO STB 1 B0 2 B1 3 B2 4 B3 5 B4 6 B5 7 B6 8 B7 SEG1 SEG2 SEG3 SEG4 SEG5 .MUR1620CT - UltraFast Rectifiers
Free Datasheet http://www.datasheet4u.com/ Free Datasheet http://www.datasheet4u.com/ Free Datasheet http://www.datasheet4u.com/ Free Datasheet htt.SM1620B - Display panel driver IC
SM1620B ICIGBG-IZV1.0 SM1620B SM1620B LED , MCU 、 、LED 、。 CMOS VDD 3.3V-5.0V :4 ×9 —7 ×6 :6×1 ( 8 ) (CLK,STB,DI/O) : RC.MUR1620CTR - ULTRAFAST RECTIFIER
MUR1620CTR, MURB1620CTR Preferred Device SWITCHMODE] Power Rectifier These state−of−the−art devices are designed for use in negative switching power .HY57V561620FTP-H - 256M (16M x 16bit) Hynix SDRAM Memory
256Mb Synchronous DRAM based on 4M x 4Bank x16 I/O 256M (16Mx16bit) Hynix SDRAM Memory Memory Cell Array - Organized as 4banks of 4,194,304 x 16 This.MLX16201 - Intelligent relay driver
Datasheet MLX16201-Jxx Intelligent relay driver for automotive applications ROM version for series production 1. Features CPU and Interrupts • WORD- .T1620-700W - (T1620-600W/700W / T1630-600W) Snubberless Triac
w at .D w wFEATURES I = 16 A s h S a ® ee U 4 t m o .c T1620-600W / 700W T1630-600W SNUBBERLESS TRIAC TRMS A2 A1 s s s s VDRM = VRRM = 60.AC23C16200B - 1MX16/2MX8 BIT CMOS MASK ROM
AC23C16200B Description 1MX16/2MX8 BIT CMOS MASK ROM The AC23C16200B high performance read only memory is organized either as 2,097,152 x 8 bit (byt.HY1620P - N-Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFET
HY1620P/B N-Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFET Features • 200V/60 A RDS(ON) = 32 mΩ (typ.) @ VGS=10V • 100% avalanche tested • Reliable and Rugged • Le.LM16200 - Dot Matrix
www.DataSheet4U.com LAMPEX LM16200 [16 x 2, 1/16 MUX] 8.0 1 ALPHANUMERIC DOT MATRIX LCM DIMENSION IN MM 9.5(13.5)* 5.0(9.0)* 80.0±0.5 [3.15±0.020] .HY57V641620FTP - Synchronous DRAM Memory 64Mbit
64Mb Synchronous DRAM based on 1M x 4Bank x16 I/O Document Title 4Bank x 1M x 16bits Synchronous DRAM Revision History Revision No. 0.1 History Initi.HBR16200 - SCHOTTKY BARRIER DIODE
R SCHOTTKY BARRIER DIODE HBR16200 MAIN CHARACTERISTICS Package IF(AV) VRRM Tj VF(max) 16(2×8)A 200 V 175 ℃ 0.75V (@Tj=125℃) z z APPLICATI.U1620RG - 16 Ampere Surface Mount Common Anode Ultra Fast Recovery Rectifier
U1620RG thru U1660RG ® U1620RG thru U1660RG Pb Pb Free Plating Product 16 Ampere Surface Mount Common Anode Ultra Fast Recovery Rectifier Featur.TM1620B - LED Driver
• • • • • • • • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 GND DIO CLK STB K2 VDD SEG1/KS1 SEG2/KS2 SEG3/KS3 SEG4/KS4 GR1 GR2 GND GR3 GR4 SEG14/GR5 SEG13/GR6 SEG12/GR7 S.HY57V641620HG - 4 Banks x 1M x 16Bit Synchronous DRAM
HY57V641620HG 4 Banks x 1M x 16Bit Synchronous DRAM D E S C R IP T IO N The Hynix HY57V641620HG is a 67,108,864-bit CMOS Synchronous DRAM, ideally sui.