CMPA2735015D - Power Amplifier
CMPA2735015D 15 W, 2.7 - 3.5 GHz, GaN MMIC, Power Amplifier Description The CMPA2735015D is a gallium nitride (GaN) high electron mobility transistor .2SK3273-01MR - N-Channel MOSFET
2SK3273-01MR Trench Gate MOSFET > Features High Current Low On-Resistance No Secondary Breakdown Low Driving Power Avalanche Rated N-channel MOS-FET .GP1273A01A - VACUUM FLUORESCENT DISPLAY MODULE
GP1273A01A REV.- ! Important Safety Notice Please read this note carefully before using the product. Warning The module should be disconnected from .381LX273M010H052 - Snap-In Aluminum Capacitors
Type 381LX / 383LX 105 °C High Ripple, Snap-In Aluminum High Ripple, Long Life, 2, 4 and 5 pin styles available Specifications Temperature Range Rate.381LX273M010J042 - Snap-In Aluminum Capacitors
Type 381LX / 383LX 105 °C High Ripple, Snap-In Aluminum High Ripple, Long Life, 2, 4 and 5 pin styles available Specifications Temperature Range Rate.381LX273M010K022 - Snap-In Aluminum Capacitors
Type 381LX / 383LX 105 °C High Ripple, Snap-In Aluminum High Ripple, Long Life, 2, 4 and 5 pin styles available Specifications Temperature Range Rate.381LX273M010A012 - Snap-In Aluminum Capacitors
Type 381LX / 383LX 105 °C High Ripple, Snap-In Aluminum High Ripple, Long Life, 2, 4 and 5 pin styles available Specifications Temperature Range Rate.381LX273M016J052 - Snap-In Aluminum Capacitors
Type 381LX / 383LX 105 °C High Ripple, Snap-In Aluminum High Ripple, Long Life, 2, 4 and 5 pin styles available Specifications Temperature Range Rate.381LX273M016K042 - Snap-In Aluminum Capacitors
Type 381LX / 383LX 105 °C High Ripple, Snap-In Aluminum High Ripple, Long Life, 2, 4 and 5 pin styles available Specifications Temperature Range Rate.381LX273M016A022 - Snap-In Aluminum Capacitors
Type 381LX / 383LX 105 °C High Ripple, Snap-In Aluminum High Ripple, Long Life, 2, 4 and 5 pin styles available Specifications Temperature Range Rate.DC1012-273L - Power Inductors
Document 147 -1 Power Inductors – DC1012 Series These power inductors are especially effective as DC-DC converter boost or buck inductors and as outp.AM82731-012 - RF & MICROWAVE TRANSISTORS
Next Previous Axial Lead and Cartridge Fuses Subminiature MICRO™ FUSE Very Fast-Acting Type 272/273/274/278/279 Series Developed originally for the.273.01.5 - Axial Lead and Cartridge Fuses
Next Previous Axial Lead and Cartridge Fuses Subminiature MICRO™ FUSE Very Fast-Acting Type 272/273/274/278/279 Series Developed originally for the.273.01 - Axial Lead and Cartridge Fuses
Next Previous Axial Lead and Cartridge Fuses Subminiature MICRO™ FUSE Very Fast-Acting Type 272/273/274/278/279 Series Developed originally for the.273.015 - Axial Lead and Cartridge Fuses
Next Previous Axial Lead and Cartridge Fuses Subminiature MICRO™ FUSE Very Fast-Acting Type 272/273/274/278/279 Series Developed originally for the.380LX273M016J452 - High Capacitance
Types 380L, 382L, 380LX & 382LX, 85 ЊC High-Capacitance Snap-In Types 380L/LX & 4-pin Mount 382LX (85 °C) The excellent value of Type 380L/LX capacito.380LX273M016K032 - High Capacitance
Types 380L, 382L, 380LX & 382LX, 85 ЊC High-Capacitance Snap-In Types 380L/LX & 4-pin Mount 382LX (85 °C) The excellent value of Type 380L/LX capacito.500C273U016AA2B - Aluminum Electrolytic
COPY & PASTE A CDE PART NUMBER TO CHECK STOCK ONLINE: GO Type 500C 95 °C Long-Life, Screw Terminal, Aluminum Electrolytic –40 °C to +95 °C, Long Lif.