Process 83 2N51 96-99 N-Channel Monolithic Dual J.
2N5199 - Monolithic N-Channel JFET
Siliconix 2N5196/5197/5198/5199 Monolithic NĆChannel JFET Duals Product Summary Part Number 2N5196 2N5197 2N5198 2N5199 VGS(off) (V) V(BR)GSS Min.2N5199 - N-Channel Dual Silicon Junction Field-Effect Transistor
8/2014 2N5196, 2N5197, 2N5198, 2N5199 N-Channel Dual Silicon Junction Field-Effect Transistor ∙ Differencial Inputs At 25oC free air temperature S.2N5199 - Monolithic N-Channel JFET
2N5196/5197/5198/5199 Vishay Siliconix Monolithic N-Channel JFET Duals PRODUCT SUMMARY Part Number 2N5196 2N5197 2N5198 2N5199 VGS(off) (V) –0.7 to.2N5199 - N-Channel Monolithic Dual JFETs
Process 83 2N51 96-99 N-Channel Monolithic Dual JFETs General Description The 2N5196thru 2N5199 series of N-channel monolithic dual JFETs is design.