www.DataSheet4U.com Isolated Linearized RTD Input.
5B34 - Isolated Linearized RTD Input
www.DataSheet4U.com Isolated Linearized RTD Input 5B34 FEATURES Amplifies, Protects, Filters, and Isolates Analog Input. Linearize a wide variety of .MGFC45B3436B - C band internally matched power GaAs FET
< C band internally matched power GaAs FET > MGFC45B3436B 3.4 – 3.6 GHz BAND / 30W DESCRIPTION The MGFC45B3436B is an internally impedance-matched GaA.ML725B34F - (ML7xx34) 2.5Gbps InGaAsP DFB LASER DIODE
PRELIMINARY Notice: This is not a final specification MITSUBISHI LASER DIODES ML7XX34 SERIES 2.5Gbps InGaAsP DFB LASER DIODE Notice : Some parametr.