K3878 - N-Channel MOSFET
2SK3878 TOSHIBA Field Effect Transistor Silicon N-Channel MOS Type (π- MOSIV) 2SK3878 Switching Regulator Applications • Low drain-source ON-resistan.IT8783E - Environment Controller
CONFIDENTIAL IT8783E/F Environment Control – Low Pin Count Input / Output (EC - LPC I/O) Preliminary Specification V0.5 (For A Version) ITE TECH. INC.D1878 - NPN Transistor
isc Silicon NPN Power Transistor DESCRIPTION ·High Breakdown Voltage- : VCBO= 1300V (Min) ·High Switching Speed ·High Reliability ·Built-in Damper Di.C2878 - Silicon NPN Transistor
2SC2878 TOSHIBA Transistor www.DataSheet4U.com Silicon NPN Epitaxial Type 2SC2878 Unit: mm For Muting and Switching Applications • • • High emitter.2SC2878 - Silicon NPN TRANSISTOR
TOSHIBA Transistor Silicon NPN Epitaxial Type 2SC2878 2SC2878 For Muting and Switching Applications · High emitter-base voltage: VEBO = 25 V (min) .IT8782F - Environment Controller
CONFIDENTIAL IT8782F Environment Control – Low Pin Count Input / Output (EC - LPC I/O) Preliminary Specification V0.2.1 (For A Version) ITE TECH. INC.XB8789D0 - One Cell Lithium-ion/Polymer Battery Protection
XB8789D0 ______________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ One Cell Lithium-ion/Pol.BLF878 - UHF power LDMOS transistor
BLF878 UHF power LDMOS transistor Rev. 02 — 15 June 2009 www.DataSheet4U.com Product data sheet 1. Product profile 1.1 General description A 300 W L.2SK3878 - N-Channel MOSFET
2SK3878 TOSHIBA Field Effect Transistor Silicon N-Channel MOS Type (π- MOSIV) 2SK3878 Switching Regulator Applications • Low drain-source ON-resistan.2SD1878 - NPN Triple Diffused Planar Silicon Transistor
www.DataSheet.co.kr Ordering number:EN2425 NPN Triple Diffused Planar Silicon Transistor 2SD1878 Color TV Horizontal Deflection Output Applications.IT8783F - Environment Controller
CONFIDENTIAL IT8783E/F Environment Control – Low Pin Count Input / Output (EC - LPC I/O) Preliminary Specification V0.5 (For A Version) ITE TECH. INC.IT8781F - Environment Control - Low Pin Count Input / Output
CONFIDENTIAL IT8781F Environment Control – Low Pin Count Input / Output (EC - LPC I/O) Preliminary Specification V0.2.2 (For A Version) ITE TECH. INC.SVF3878PN - 900V N-CHANNEL MOSFET
SVF3878PN_Datasheet 9A, 900V N-CHANNEL MOSFET DESCRIPTION SVF3878PN is an N-channel enhancement mode power MOS field effect transistor which is prod.2N3878 - Power Transistors
File No. 766 _________________________________ OOOBLJD Solid State Division Power Transistors 2N3878 2N5202 2N3879 2N6500 40375 2N3878 2N3879 2N520.FDS8878 - N-Channel MOSFET
FDS8878 N-Channel PowerTrench® MOSFET June 2005 FDS8878 N-Channel PowerTrench® MOSFET 30V, 10.2A, 14mΩ Features rDS(ON) = 14mΩ, VGS = 10V, ID = 10.2SK3878 - N-Channel Power MOSFET
SEMICONDUCTOR 2SK3878 Series N-Channel Power MOSFET (9A, 900Volts) RoHS RoHS Nell High Power Products DESCRIPTION The Nell 2SK3878 is a three-term.BP2878K - PWM Dimmable Buck LED Driver
Description BP2878K is a PWM dimmable high-precision low power factor buck for constant current LED driver. Internal the IC, it has PWM to analog dimm.LHI878 - Dual Element Detectors
Lighting | Imaging | Telecom Pyroelectric Infrared Detectors Dual Element Detectors LHi 874, LHi 878 TO-39 / TO-5 housing Competitive cost vers.BC878 - PNP Silicon Darlington Transistors
SIEMENS PNP Silicon Darlington Transistors High current gain High collector current Low collector-emitter Saturation vottage Complementary types: BC 8.