® ® ADC-207 7-Bit, 20MHz, CMOS Flash A/D Conve.
BCM20710 - Transceiver and Baseband Processor
Preliminary Data Sheet BCM20710 Single-Chip Bluetooth® Transceiver and Baseband Processor GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The Broadcom® BCM20710 is a.BCM20707 - Bluetooth SoC
Preliminary Data Sheet BCM20707 Bluetooth SoC for Embedded Wireless Devices GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Broadcom® BCM20707 is a single-chip Bluetooth 4..ADC-207 - 7- BIT 20MHZ CMOS FLASH A/D CONVERTERS
® ® ADC-207 7-Bit, 20MHz, CMOS Flash A/D Converters IN N O VA T IO N a n d E X C E L L E N C E FEATURES • • • • • • • • • 7-bit flash A/D converte.MAX1207 - 12-Bit ADC
19-3259; Rev 0; 5/04 KIT ATION EVALU E L B AVAILA 40Msps, 12-Bit ADC General Description Features o Excellent Dynamic Performance 68.6dB SNR at fIN .LTC2207 - 16-Bit ADCs
FEATURES ■ Sample Rate: 105Msps/80Msps ■ 78.2dBFS Noise Floor ■ 100dB SFDR ■ SFDR >82dB at 250MHz (1.5VP-P Input Range) ■ PGA Front End (2.25VP-P or 1.LTC2207-14 - 14-Bit ADCs
Features nn Sample Rate: 105Msps/80Msps nn 77.3dBFS Noise Floor nn 98dB SFDR nn SFDR >82dB at 250MHz (1.5VP-P Input Range) nn PGA Front End (2.25VP-P .ADC1207S080 - Single 12 bits ADC
ADC1207S080 Rev. 02 — 7 August 2008 www.DataSheet4U.com Single 12 bits ADC, up to 80 MHz with direct/ultra high IF sampling Product data sheet 1. G.MAX11206 - (MAX11206 / MAX11207) Delta-Sigma ADCs
DataSheet.in 19-5294; Rev 0; 8/10 TION KIT EVALUA BLE IL AVA A 20-Bit, Single-Channel, Ultra-Low-Power, DeltaSigma ADCs with Programmable Gain and .MAX11207 - (MAX11206 / MAX11207) Delta-Sigma ADCs
DataSheet.in 19-5294; Rev 0; 8/10 TION KIT EVALUA BLE IL AVA A 20-Bit, Single-Channel, Ultra-Low-Power, DeltaSigma ADCs with Programmable Gain and .ADC207 - Single & Dual Output DC/DC Converters
www.DataSheet.co.kr ADC200 SERIES 1W, High Isolation SIP, Single & Dual Output DC/DC Converters Selection Guide Model Number ADC201 ADC202 ADC203 ADC.AD9207 - JESD204B/JESD204C Dual ADC
Data Sheet AD9207 12-Bit, 6 GSPS, JESD204B/JESD204C Dual ADC FEATURES ► Flexible reconfigurable common platform design ► Supports single, dual, and q.