AU5325 - Jitter Attenuator
AU5325: 10 Outputs, Quad PLL Frequency Translation, Jitter Attenuator General Description Features AU5325 is a programmable Quad Fractional Frequen.HC-SR04 - Ultrasonic Sensor
HCSR04 Ultrasonic Sensor Elijah J. Morgan Nov. 16 2014 The purpose of this file is to explain how the HCSR04 works. It will give a brief exp.RAS-24-10-A - RELAY
RAS SERIES RAS 0.5 5 15.0 0.3 19.2 0.2 15.4 0.2 12 12.3 2 .TIP50 - High Voltage Power Trasnsitors
TIP47, 50 High Voltage Power Transistors High Voltage NPN Silicon Power Transistors are designed for line operated audio output amplifier, and switch.HC-SR04 - Ultrasonic Sensor User Guide
HC-SR04 User Guide 1. Ultrasonic Distance Measurement Principles The transmitter emits a 8 bursts of an directional 40KHz ultrasonic wave when trigger.HY-SRF05 - Ultrasonic distance sensor
HY-SRF05 Precision Ultrasonic Sensor An ultrasonic ranging sensor with slightly better accuracy. Ultrasonic sensors overcome many of the weaknesses of.SEN136B5B - Seeed Ultrasonic Sensor
Seeed Ultrasonic Sensor Seeed ultrasonic sensor is non-contact distance measurement module, which is also compatible with electronic brick. It’s desig.D2764A - 64K (8K x 8) UV Erasable PROMs
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Preliminary W27C4096 256K × 16 ELECTRICALLY ERASABLE EPROM GENERAL DESCRIPTION The W27C4096 is a high speed, low power Electrically Erasable and Progr.LM1812 - ULTRASONIC TRANSCEIVER
LM1812 Ultrasonic Transceiver April 1989 LM1812 Ultrasonic Transceiver General Description The LM1812 is a general purpose ultrasonic transceiver d.W27C020 - 256K x 8 ELECTRICALLY ERASABLE EPROM
Preliminary W27C020 256K × 8 ELECTRICALLY ERASABLE EPROM GENERAL DESCRIPTION The W27C020 is a high speed, low power Electrically Erasable and Progra.TDA9965 - 30 Msps analog-to-digital interface for CCD cameras
www.DataSheet4U.com INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET TDA9965 12-bit, 5.0 V, 30 Msps analog-to-digital interface for CCD cameras Product specification .BCM2711 - Processor
BCM2711 ARM Peripherals Colophon Table 1. Release History BCM2711 ARM Peripherals, based in large part on the earlier BCM2835 ARM Peripherals docum.M5M27C128K - 128K-Bit CMOS Erasable and Electrically Reprogrammable ROM
MITSUBISHI LSI. 'iF~;0,';;' ('1'" MSM27C128K, -2, -3 ,\.;;~.'/;' 131 072-BIT( 16384-WORD BY 8-BIT) 'ERASABLE AND ELECTRICALLY REPROGRAMMABLE ROM .RAS-1210 - RELAY
RELAY SPECIFICATIONS TYPE : RAS-1210 FT 1. Dimensions Drawing No. RAS-106FT 2. Coil Data 2-1. Normal voltage 12VDC 2-2. Coil resistance 400±40.SRF04 - Ultrasonic Range Finger Application Note
599 Menlo Drive, Suite 100 Rocklin, California 95765, USA Office: (916) 624-8333 Fax: (916) 624-8003 General: info@parallax.com Technical: support@pa.M6M80011AP - 1024 BIT ELECTRICALLY ERASABLE AND PROGRAMMABLE ROM
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