TOSHIBA Transistor Silicon NPN Triple Diffused Typ.
Approve Sheet Part Number: KBPC600~KBPC6010 KBPC600~KBPC6010 SILICON BRIDGE RECTIFIERS VOLTAGE 50 to 1000 Volts CURRENT 6 Amperes FEATURES • High t.2SC6010 - Silicon NPN Transistor
2SC6010 TOSHIBA Transistor Silicon NPN Triple Diffused Type 2SC6010 High Voltage Switching Applications Switching Regulator Applications DC-DC Conver.C6010 - 2SC6010
TOSHIBA Transistor Silicon NPN Triple Diffused Type 2SC6010 High Voltage Switching Applications Switching Regulator Applications DC-DC Converter Appli.TPC6010-H - N-Channel MOSFET
TPC6010-H MOSFETs Silicon N-Channel MOS (U-MOS-H) TPC6010-H 1. Applications • • • High-Efficiency DC-DC Converters Notebook PCs Mobile Handsets 2. .LC6010 - 500mA Standalone Linear Li-Ion Battery Charge
LC6010 500mA Standalone Linear Li-Ion Battery Charge DESCRIPTION FEATURES The LC6010 is a single cell, fully integrated constant current (CC)/cons.