SavantIC Semiconductor Silicon NPN Power Transisto.
D1265 - 2SD1265
SavantIC Semiconductor Silicon NPN Power Transistors Product Specification 2SD1265 2SD1265A DESCRIPTION·sWheietht4uT.cOom-220Fa package ·Lo.2SD1265 - SILICON POWER TRANSISTOR
SavantIC Semiconductor Product Specification Silicon NPN Power Transistors 2SD1265 2SD1265A DESCRIPTION ·With TO-220Fa packag.2SD1265A - SILICON POWER TRANSISTOR
SavantIC Semiconductor Product Specification Silicon NPN Power Transistors 2SD1265 2SD1265A DESCRIPTION ·With TO-220Fa packag.2SD1265 - NPN Transistor
isc Silicon NPN Power Transistor 2SD1265 DESCRIPTION ·Low Collector Saturation Voltage : VCE(sat)= 1.0V(Max)@ IC= 2A ·Collector-Emitter Sustaining V.D1265C5 - SiC Schottky Barrier diodes
SiC Silicon Carbide Diode 5th Generation thinQ!TM 650V SiC Schottky Diode IDW12G65C5 Final Datasheet Rev. 2.2, 2013-01-15 Power Management & Multimark.CXD1265R - CCD Camera Timing Generator
CXD1265R CCD Camera Timing Generator Description The CXD1265R generates the timing pulses required by the CCD image sensors as well as signal processi.BRD1265C - Half-bridge Motor Driver
BridgeSwitch Family High-Voltage, Self-Powered, Half-bridge Motor Driver with Integrated Device Protection and System Monitoring Product Highlights .WNSC2D12650T - Silicon Carbide Diode
WNSC2D12650T Silicon Carbide Diode Rev.01 - 30 November 2021 Product data sheet 1. General description Silicon Carbide Schottky diode in a DFN 8*8 p.