PD - 91811 IRFB9N60A HEXFET® Power MOSFET l l l .
IRFB9N60A - N-Channel MOSFET
iscN-Channel MOSFET Transistor IRFB9N60A ·FEATURES ·Low drain-source on-resistance: RDS(ON) =0.75Ω (MAX) ·Enhancement mode: Vth = 2.0 to 4.0V (VDS =.IRFB9N60A - Power MOSFET
PD - 91811 IRFB9N60A HEXFET® Power MOSFET l l l l l Dynamic dv/dt Rating Repetitive Avalanche Rated Fast Switching Ease of Paraleling Simple Drive R.FB9N60A - IRFB9N60A
PD - 91811 IRFB9N60A HEXFET® Power MOSFET l l l l l Dynamic dv/dt Rating Repetitive Avalanche Rated Fast Switching Ease of Paraleling Simple Drive R.IRFB9N60A - Power MOSFET
www.vishay.com IRFB9N60A Vishay Siliconix Power MOSFET D TO-220AB S D G G S N-Channel MOSFET PRODUCT SUMMARY VDS (V) RDS(on) (Ω) Qg max. (nC) Q.