GP1A74A/GP1A74A1 GP1A74A/GP1A74A1 s Features 1. C.
GP1A74A1 - Compact OPIC Photointerrupter with Connector
GP1A74A/GP1A74A1 GP1A74A/GP1A74A1 s Features 1. Compact type 2. TTL compatible owing to OPIC output 3. Snap-in mounting type 4. 3 kinds of mounting p.GP1A74A - Compact OPIC Photointerrupter with Connector
GP1A74A/GP1A74A1 GP1A74A/GP1A74A1 s Features 1. Compact type 2. TTL compatible owing to OPIC output 3. Snap-in mounting type 4. 3 kinds of mounting p.