FX2CA2-052S-1.27DSA - 1.27mm Pitch Multi-function Two Piece Connector
The product information in this catalog is for reference only. Please request the Engineering Drawing for the most current and accurate design informa.N-TMP-1-1 - Non-reflective Terminations (N / TNC / SSMA / POB / FL / and PO6)
Non-reflective Terminations (N, TNC, SSMA, POB, FL, and PO6) N, TNC, POB, FL, PO6, and HRMM-TM Series sFeatures 1.High Performance These super wide ba.FX2-120P-1.27DSL - 1.27mm Pitch Multi-function Two Piece Connector
The product information in this catalog is for reference only. Please request the Engineering Drawing for the most current and accurate design informa.N-TMJ-30 - Non-reflective Terminations (Box Type)
Non-reflective Terminations (Box Type) N, BNC-TM Series sFeatures 1.High Performance These super wide bandwidth/ultra high matching nonreflective term.P-AT-6 - Programmable Attenuators
Programmable Attenuators P-AT Series sFeatures 1. Used for frequencies from DC to 26.5GHz (max.) Input/output couplings utilizes Hirose’s HE* connect.FH26W-37S-0.3SHW - FPC Connector
0.3 mm Pitch, 1.0 mm Height FPC Connector FH26 Series ●Space saving(51 pos. shown) Mar.1.2017 Copyright 2017 HIROSE ELECTRIC CO., LTD. All Rights Res.FX2B-032PA-1.27DS - 1.27mm Pitch Multi-function Two Piece Connector
The product information in this catalog is for reference only. Please request the Engineering Drawing for the most current and accurate design informa.FH36W-51S-0.3SHW - ZIF Connectors
0.3 mm Pitch, 1.0 mm above the board Flexible Printed Circuit ZIF Connectors FH36 Series ●Space saving (51 positions shown) Mar.1.2017 Copyright 2017.N-TMP-5 - Non-reflective Terminations (N / TNC / SSMA / POB / FL / and PO6)
Non-reflective Terminations (N, TNC, SSMA, POB, FL, and PO6) N, TNC, POB, FL, PO6, and HRMM-TM Series sFeatures 1.High Performance These super wide ba.DF37B-34DP-0.4V - Board-to-Board / Board-to-FPC Connectors
k Thek productkk informatk ink thisk catlogk isk fork refnck onlyUk Pleask requstk thekk ±nginerk µrawingk fork thek mostk curentk .FX2CA-080P-1.27DSAL - 1.27mm Pitch Multi-function Two Piece Connector
The product information in this catalog is for reference only. Please request the Engineering Drawing for the most current and accurate design informa.FX2CA-060P-1.27DSAL - 1.27mm Pitch Multi-function Two Piece Connector
The product information in this catalog is for reference only. Please request the Engineering Drawing for the most current and accurate design informa.FX2CA2-040P-1.27DSAL - 1.27mm Pitch Multi-function Two Piece Connector
The product information in this catalog is for reference only. Please request the Engineering Drawing for the most current and accurate design informa.FX2CA2-040S-1.27DSA - 1.27mm Pitch Multi-function Two Piece Connector
The product information in this catalog is for reference only. Please request the Engineering Drawing for the most current and accurate design informa.DM1AA-SF-PEJ82 - SD Memory Card Connectors
JNaonv..11..22001176 CCooppyyrriigghhtt 22001176 HHIIRROOSSEE EELLEECCTTRRIICC CCOO..,, LLTTDD.. AAlll RRiigghhttss RReesseerrvveedd.. SD Memory Card.FH36W-39S-0.3SHW - ZIF Connectors
0.3 mm Pitch, 1.0 mm above the board Flexible Printed Circuit ZIF Connectors FH36 Series ●Space saving (51 positions shown) Mar.1.2017 Copyright 2017.FH36-19S-0.3SHW - ZIF Connectors
0.3 mm Pitch, 1.0 mm above the board Flexible Printed Circuit ZIF Connectors FH36 Series ●Space saving (51 positions shown) Mar.1.2017 Copyright 2017.