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ETK2011 - Digital audio power amplifier IC
General Description ETK2011 is a digital audio power amplifier IC with maximum output of 2.5W (RL=4Ω)×1ch. ETK2011 has a “Pure Pulse Direct Speaker Dr.K2011 - 2SK2011
www.DataSheet4U.com www.DataSheet4U.com www.DataSheet4U.com .PCK2011 - Direct RAMbus Clock Generator
INTEGRATED CIRCUITS PCK2011 Direct RAMbus Clock Generator Preliminary specification 1999 Jan 19 Philips Semiconductors Philips Semiconductors Prel.MK2011 - Fast Ethernet Clock Source
I C R O C LOC K Description The MK2011 is the ideal way to generate clocks for Fast Ethernet cards or systems. It provides 20MHz, 25MHz, and 50MHz clo.K2011 - IF filter
www.DataSheet4U.com К2011 4x2.54 IF filter for intercarrier application (IF= 38.0 MHz. standard B/G-CCIR, D/K-OIRT) 2.6 8.6max 2 3 4 5 6 2 5 18..