60V N -ch MOSFET 2SK3711 www.DataSheet4U.com Dec.
K3711 - 2SK3711
60V N -ch MOSFET 2SK3711 www.DataSheet4U.com December 2005 ■Features • Low on-resistance • Built-in gate protection diode • Avalanche energy capabi.2SK3711 - N-Channel MOSFET
60V N -ch MOSFET 2SK3711 December 2005 ■Features • Low on-resistance • Built-in gate protection diode • Avalanche energy capability guaranteed ■Appl.2SK3711 - N-Channel MOSFET
isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor 2SK3711 FEATURES ·Drain Current –ID=70A@ TC=25℃ ·Drain Source Voltage- : VDSS=60V(Min) ·Static Drain-Source On-Resis.MK3711 - LOW COST 8 - 16 MHZ 3.3 VOLT VCXO
MK3711 LOW COST 8 - 16 MHZ 3.3 VOLT VCXO Description The MK3711 series of devices include the original MK3711S, MK3711A, and the new MK3711B and MK371.