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ITCH16230B2 - High Power RF LDMOS FET
Innogration (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. Document Number: ITCH16230B2 Preliminary Datasheet V1.1 1300MHz-1700MHz, 230W, 28V High Power RF LDMOS FETs Descript.DM74ALS162B - Synchronous Four-Bit Counter
DM74ALS161B • DM74ALS162B • DM74ALS163B Synchronous Four-Bit Counter April 1984 Revised February 2000 DM74ALS161B • DM74ALS162B • DM74ALS163B Synchr.KSC1623 - NPN Epitaxial Silicon Transistor
KSC1623 KSC1623 Low Frequency Amplifier & High Frequency OSC. • Complement to KSA812 2 1 3 SOT-23 1. Base 2. Emitter 3. Collector NPN Epitaxial S.74LCX16245 - Low Voltage 16-Bit Bidirectional Transceiver
74LCX16245 Low Voltage 16-Bit Bidirectional Transceiver with 5V Tolerant Inputs and Outputs February 1994 Revised April 2000 74LCX16245 Low Voltage .MOC3162M - 6-Pin DIP Zero-Cross Phototriac Driver Optocoupler
MOC306XM, MOC316XM — 6-Pin DIP Zero-Cross Triac Driver Optocoupler (600 Volt Peak) September 2015 MOC3061M, MOC3062M, MOC3063M, MOC3162M, MOC3163M 6.LD1625-C120 - Infrared Laser Diode
LD1625-C120 TECHNICAL DATA Infrared Laser Diode Features • Lasing Mode Structure: single mode • Peak Wavelength : typ. 1625 nm • Optical Ouput Power:.KST1623L3 - Amplifier Transistor
KST1623L3/L4/L5/L6/L7 KST1623L3/L4/L5/L6/L7 Amplifier Transistor NPN Epitaxial Silicon Transistor Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta=25°C unless otherwise.KST1623L4 - Amplifier Transistor
KST1623L3/L4/L5/L6/L7 KST1623L3/L4/L5/L6/L7 Amplifier Transistor NPN Epitaxial Silicon Transistor Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta=25°C unless otherwise.KST1623L5 - Amplifier Transistor
KST1623L3/L4/L5/L6/L7 KST1623L3/L4/L5/L6/L7 Amplifier Transistor NPN Epitaxial Silicon Transistor Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta=25°C unless otherwise.KST1623L6 - Amplifier Transistor
KST1623L3/L4/L5/L6/L7 KST1623L3/L4/L5/L6/L7 Amplifier Transistor NPN Epitaxial Silicon Transistor Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta=25°C unless otherwise.KST1623L7 - Amplifier Transistor
KST1623L3/L4/L5/L6/L7 KST1623L3/L4/L5/L6/L7 Amplifier Transistor NPN Epitaxial Silicon Transistor Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta=25°C unless otherwise.KTK5162S - N-CHANNEL MOS FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR
Data Sheet MUR1620CT, RURP820CC January 2002 8A, 200V Ultrafast Dual Diodes The MUR1620CT and RURP820CC are ultrafast dual diodes with soft recovery.74LVT162240 - Low Voltage 16-Bit Inverting Buffer/Line Driver
74LVT162240 • 74LVTH162240 Low Voltage 16-Bit Inverting Buffer/Line Driver with 3-STATE Outputs and 25Ω Series Resistors in the Outputs June 1999 Rev.74LVT162245 - Low Voltage 16-Bit Transceiver
74LVT162245 • 74LVTH162245 Low Voltage 16-Bit Transceiver with 3-STATE Outputs and 25: Series Resistors in A Port Outputs January 1999 Revised June 2.74LVT16245 - Low Voltage 16-Bit Transceiver
74LVT16245 • 74LVTH16245 Low Voltage 16-Bit Transceiver with 3-STATE Outputs January 1999 Revised November 1999 74LVT16245 • 74LVTH16245 Low Voltage.74LVTH162240 - Low Voltage 16-Bit Inverting Buffer/Line Driver
74LVT162240 • 74LVTH162240 Low Voltage 16-Bit Inverting Buffer/Line Driver with 3-STATE Outputs and 25Ω Series Resistors in the Outputs June 1999 Rev.74LVTH162245 - Low Voltage 16-Bit Transceiver
74LVT162245 • 74LVTH162245 Low Voltage 16-Bit Transceiver with 3-STATE Outputs and 25: Series Resistors in A Port Outputs January 1999 Revised June 2.74LVTH162373 - Low Voltage 16-Bit Transparent Latch
74LVTH162373 Low Voltage 16-Bit Transparent Latch with 3-STATE Outputs and 25: Series Resistors in the Outputs October 2000 Revised June 2005 74LVTH.