LSI/CSI UL ® LS7083/7084 (631) 271-0400 FAX (631) 271-0405 October 2000 LSI Computer Systems, Inc. 1235 Walt Whitman Road, Melville, NY 11747 A3800.MN101C51F - MICROCOMPUTER LSI User Manual
MICROCOMPUTER MN101C MN101C51F LSI User’s Manual Pub.No.21451-010E PanaXSeries is a trademark of Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. The other c.LC876748C - CMOS LSI 8 BIT 1 CHIP MICROCOMPUTER
LC876764C LC876756C LC876748C LC876764C/56C/48C LC876764C/56C/48C LC876764C/56C/48C µ µ µ µ µ µ µ LC876764C/56C/48C ’ ’ S48/PG0 S49/PG1 S.LS7166 - 24-BIT QUADRATURE COUNTER
LSI/CSI LS7166 U® L LSI Computer Systems, Inc. 1235 Walt Whitman Road, Melville, NY 11747 (631) 271-0400 FAX (631) 271-0405 A3800 24-BIT QUADRATURE.LS7183 - QUADRATURE CLOCK CONVERTER
LSI/CSI UL ® LS7183/LS7184 (631) 271-0400 FAX (631) 271-0405 August 2001 LSI Computer Systems, Inc. 1235 Walt Whitman Road, Melville, NY 11747 A380.LS7184 - QUADRATURE CLOCK CONVERTER
LSI/CSI UL ® LS7183/LS7184 (631) 271-0400 FAX (631) 271-0405 August 2001 LSI Computer Systems, Inc. 1235 Walt Whitman Road, Melville, NY 11747 A380.LS7538 - TOUCH CONTROL STEP DIMMER LIGHT SWITCH WITH AUTOMATIC GAIN CONTROL (AGC)
LSI/CSI UL ® LS7538-LS7539 (631) 271-0400 FAX (631) 271-0405 LSI Computer Systems, Inc. 1235 Walt Whitman Road, Melville, NY 11747 A3800 TOUCH CON.BU2152FS - 24bit serial/parallel converter IC
01W147A 24bit serial/parallel converter IC BU2152FS Description BU2152FS is a 24bit serial/parallel converter IC. High-performance output terminal .LS6511N - PIR SENSOR INTERFACE
LSI/CSI LS6511N LS6512 LS6513 U® L LSI Computer Systems, Inc. 1235 Walt Whitman Road, Melville, NY 11747 (631) 271-0400 FAX (631) 271-0405 A3800 P.LS6512 - PIR SENSOR INTERFACE
LSI/CSI LS6511N LS6512 LS6513 U® L LSI Computer Systems, Inc. 1235 Walt Whitman Road, Melville, NY 11747 (631) 271-0400 FAX (631) 271-0405 A3800 P.LS6513 - PIR SENSOR INTERFACE
LSI/CSI LS6511N LS6512 LS6513 U® L LSI Computer Systems, Inc. 1235 Walt Whitman Road, Melville, NY 11747 (631) 271-0400 FAX (631) 271-0405 A3800 P.MN101C49H - MICROCOMPUTER LSI User Manual
MICROCOMPUTER MN101C MN101C49G/49H/49K/F49K/P49K LSI User’s Manual Pub.No.21449-041E PanaXSeries is a trademark of Matsushita Electric Industrial C.MN101C49K - MICROCOMPUTER LSI User Manual
MICROCOMPUTER MN101C MN101C49G/49H/49K/F49K/P49K LSI User’s Manual Pub.No.21449-041E PanaXSeries is a trademark of Matsushita Electric Industrial C.MN101CF49K - MICROCOMPUTER LSI User Manual
MICROCOMPUTER MN101C MN101C49G/49H/49K/F49K/P49K LSI User’s Manual Pub.No.21449-041E PanaXSeries is a trademark of Matsushita Electric Industrial C.MN101CP49K - MICROCOMPUTER LSI User Manual
MICROCOMPUTER MN101C MN101C49G/49H/49K/F49K/P49K LSI User’s Manual Pub.No.21449-041E PanaXSeries is a trademark of Matsushita Electric Industrial C.MN101C49G - MICROCOMPUTER LSI User Manual
MICROCOMPUTER MN101C MN101C49G/49H/49K/F49K/P49K LSI User’s Manual Pub.No.21449-041E PanaXSeries is a trademark of Matsushita Electric Industrial C.LS7560N - BRUSHLESS DC MOTOR CONTROLLER
LSI/CSI LS7560N LS7561N U® L LSI Computer Systems, Inc. 1235 Walt Whitman Road, Melville, NY 11747 (631) 271-0400 FAX (631) 271-0405 A3800 BRUSHLES.