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SM5308 - 2.1A charging 2.4A discharge high integration mobile power SOC
SM5308 2.1A 2.4 A SOC SM5308 、、 SOC, 。 SM5308 , ,, BOM 。 SM5308 。 。 SM5308 2.4A , 92%。,, 10uA。 SM5308 , 2.1A , 91%。 IC 。 SM5308 1、2、3、4 L.PCM53JP-V - (PCM5xJx-x) 16-Bit Monolithic D/A Converter
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HM53XX Low Quiescent Current_Low Dropout CMOS Voltage Regulator HM53XX Series 500mA The+053XX series is a family of Low Quiescent Low Dropout .EM5303A - PWM Controller
5V/12V Synchronous Buck PWM Controller EM5303/A General Description EM5303/A is a synchronous rectified PWM controller operating with 5V or 12V sup.EM5305 - 12V Synchronous Buck controller
12V Synchronous Buck controller General Description The EM5305 series are compact synchronous -rectified buck controllers specifically designed to ope.HM5350 - Low Quiescent Current_Low Dropout CMOS Voltage Regulator
HM53XX Low Quiescent Current_Low Dropout CMOS Voltage Regulator HM53XX Series 500mA The+053XX series is a family of Low Quiescent Low Dropout .M534002E - MSM534002E
Semiconductor MSM534002E 262,144-Word x 16-Bit or 524,288-Word x 8-Bit MASKROM DESCRIPTION The OKI MSM534002E is a high-speed CMOS Mask ROM that can .MM5316 - Digital Alarm Clock
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Product Folder Order Now Technical Documents Tools & Software Support & Community TPSM53603 SNVSB77 – DECEMBER 2019 TPSM53603 36-V Input, 3-A Pow.GM5351A - CMOS Clock Generator
GM5351A I2C Programmable Any-Frequency CMOS Clock Generator Features Generates up to 3 non-integer-related frequencies from 2.5KHz to 250MHz I2C.SiLM5345T - Opto-Compatible Single Channel Isolated Gate Driver
SiLM534xT 5.0kVRMS Opto-Compatible Single Channel Isolated Gate Driver GENERAL DESCRIPTION The SiLM534xT isolated driver family is an optocompatibl.EM5301F - PWM Controller
12V Synchronous Buck PWM Controller EM5301F/G General Description EM5301F/G is a synchronous rectified PWM controller operating with 12V supply volt.MM5385 - Digital Alarm Clocks
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LM53625-Q1, LM53635-Q1 SNVSAA7B – DECEMBER 2015 – REVISED JULY 2021 LM53625/35-Q1, 2.5-A or 3.5-A, 36-V Synchronous, 2.1-MHz, Step-Down DC-DC Converte.