MAX9669 - 10-Bit Programmable Gamma Reference System
19-4326; Rev 4; 8/11 MAX9669 10-Bit Programmable Gamma Reference System with MTP for TFT LCDs General Description The MAX9669 outputs 16 voltage re.MAX30102 - High-Sensitivity Pulse Oximeter and Heart-Rate Sensor
Click here for production status of specific part numbers. MAX30102 High-Sensitivity Pulse Oximeter and Heart-Rate Sensor for Wearable Health Genera.MAX30100 - Pulse Oximeter and Heart-Rate Sensor
MAX30100 EVALUATION KIT AVAILABLE Pulse Oximeter and Heart-Rate Sensor IC for Wearable Health General Description The MAX30100 is an integrated puls.MAX5099 - Automotive Synchronous Buck Converter
MAX5099 19-4112; Rev 0; 5/08 EVAALVUAAILTAIOBNLEKIT Dual, 2.2MHz, Automotive Synchronous Buck Converter with 80V Load-Dump Protection General Descri.MAX232A - Multichannel RS-232 Drivers/Receivers
MAX220–MAX249 +5V-Powered, Multichannel RS-232 Drivers/Receivers General Description The MAX220–MAX249 family of line drivers/receivers is intended .DS1804 - Nonvolatile Trimmer Potentiometer
19-5876; Rev 6/11 DS1804 Nonvolatile Trimmer Potentiometer FEATURES Single 100-Position Taper Potentiometer Nonvolatile (NV) On-Demand Wiper Sto.MAX4789 - (MAX4789 - MAX4794) 200mA/250mA/300mA Current-Limit Switches
Click here for production status of specific part numbers. MAX4789–MAX4794 200mA/250mA/300mA Current-Limit Switches General Description The MAX4789.MAX17121 - Dual High-Voltage Scan Drivers
19-4936; Rev 0; 9/09 TION KIT EVALUA BLE IL AVA A Dual High-Voltage Scan Drivers for TFT LCD General Description The MAX17121 includes two high-volt.MAX5128 - Linear-Taper Digital Potentiometer
www.DataSheet4U.com 19-3929; Rev 0; 1/06 128-Tap, Nonvolatile, Linear-Taper Digital Potentiometer in 2mm x 2mm µDFN Package General Description The M.232CPE - MAX232CPE
19-4323; Rev 15; 1/06 +5V-Powered, Multichannel RS-232 Drivers/Receivers General Description The MAX220–MAX249 family of line drivers/receivers is in.DS2438 - Smart Battery Monitor
AVAILABLE DS2438 Smart Battery Monitor FEATURES § Unique 1-Wire® interface requires only one port pin for communication § Provides unique 64-bit ser.DS3231 - Extremely Accurate I2C-Integrated RTC/TCXO/Crystal
DS3231 Extremely Accurate I2C-Integrated RTC/TCXO/Crystal General Description The DS3231 is a low-cost, extremely accurate I2C real-time clock (RTC).MAX11106 - Serial 12-/10-/8-Bit ADCs
EVALUATION KIT AVAILABLE MAX11102/03/05/06/10/11/15/16/17 2Msps/3Msps, Low-Power, Serial 12-/10-/8-Bit ADCs General Description T h e M A X 1 1 1.MAX17511 - 3-/2-/1-Phase + 2-/1-Phase Quick-PWM Controllers
MAX17411/MAX17511/MAX17511C/MAX17511N/MAX17511T 19-5742; Rev 1; 7/11 EVAALVUAAILTAIOBNLEKIT Dual-Output, 3-/2-/1-Phase + 2-/1-Phase Quick-PWM Control.MAX11311 - 12-Port Programmable Mixed-Signal I/O
MAX11311 EVALUATION KIT AVAILABLE PIXI, 12-Port Programmable Mixed-Signal I/O with 12-Bit ADC, 12-Bit DAC, Analog Switches, and GPIO General Descrip.MAX11150 - SAR ADC
MAX11150 18-Bit, 500ksps, +5V SAR ADC with Internal Reference in µMAX General Description The MAX11150 is an 18-bit, 500ksps, SAR ADC offering excel.DS12887A - Real Time Clock
Rev 0; 6/05 Real-Time Clock General Description The DS12885, DS12887, and DS12C887 real-time clocks (RTCs) are designed to be direct replacements for.DS2413 - 1-Wire Dual Channel Addressable Switch
19-5316; 3/15 DS2413 1-Wire Dual Channel Addressable Switch GENERAL DESCRIPTION The DS2413 is a dual-channel programmable I/O 1-Wire® chip. The PIO .MAX232E - 5V RS-232 Transceivers
MAX202E–MAX213E, MAX232E/MAX241E EVALUATION KIT AVAILABLE ±15kV ESD-Protected, 5V RS-232 Transceivers General Description The MAX202E-MAX213E, MAX23.MAX9722B - 130mW Stereo Headphone Amplifiers
www.DataSheet4U.com 19-3049; Rev 0; 10/03 ILABLE N KIT AVA EVALUATIO 5V, Differential Input, DirectDrive, 130mW Stereo Headphone Amplifiers with Shu.