MAX17121 - Dual High-Voltage Scan Drivers
19-4936; Rev 0; 9/09 TION KIT EVALUA BLE IL AVA A Dual High-Voltage Scan Drivers for TFT LCD General Description The MAX17121 includes two high-volt.MAX6732A - Single-/Dual-/Triple-Voltage uP Supervisory Circuits
19-0605; Rev 0; 8/06 Single-/Dual-/Triple-Voltage µP Supervisory Circuits with Independent Watchdog Output General Description The MAX6730A–MAX6735A .232CPE - MAX232CPE
19-4323; Rev 15; 1/06 +5V-Powered, Multichannel RS-232 Drivers/Receivers General Description The MAX220–MAX249 family of line drivers/receivers is in.8731AE - MAX8731A
19-0756; Rev 0; 1/07 KIT ATION EVALU E L B A IL AVA SMBus Level 2 Battery Charger with Remote Sense General Description The MAX8731A is an SMBus™ pr.MAX17122 - Boost-Buck Regulator
_ MAX17122 19-4951; Rev 1; 11/09 EVAALVUAAILTAIOBNLEKIT Step-Up, Step.MAX7450 - Video-Signal Conditioners
www.DataSheet4U.com 19-3267; Rev 2; 11/04 Video-Signal Conditioners with AGC and Back-Porch Clamp General Description The MAX7450/MAX7451/MAX7452 com.MAX4789 - 200mA/250mA/300mA Current-Limit Switches
Click here for production status of specific part numbers. MAX4789–MAX4794 200mA/250mA/300mA Current-Limit Switches General Description The MAX4789.MAX7452 - Video-Signal Conditioners
www.DataSheet4U.com 19-3267; Rev 2; 11/04 Video-Signal Conditioners with AGC and Back-Porch Clamp General Description The MAX7450/MAX7451/MAX7452 com.MAX232E - 5V RS-232 Transceivers
MAX202E–MAX213E, MAX232E/MAX241E EVALUATION KIT AVAILABLE ±15kV ESD-Protected, 5V RS-232 Transceivers General Description The MAX202E-MAX213E, MAX23.MAX11103 - Serial 12-/10-/8-Bit ADCs
EVALUATION KIT AVAILABLE MAX11102/03/05/06/10/11/15/16/17 2Msps/3Msps, Low-Power, Serial 12-/10-/8-Bit ADCs General Description T h e M A X 1 1 1.MAX9879 - Stereo Class D Audio Subsystem
19-4436; Rev 0; 2/09 KIT ATION EVALU E L B A AVAIL Stereo Class D Audio Subsystem with DirectDrive Headphone Amplifier Features ♦ Better than 9dB Ma.DS18B20-PAR - 1-Wire Parasite-Power Digital Thermometer
m o .c U 4 t e e www.dalsemi.com h S FEATURES a t interface requires only one • Unique a 1-wire port pin for communication D . • Derives power from da.MAX7451 - Video-Signal Conditioners
www.DataSheet4U.com 19-3267; Rev 2; 11/04 Video-Signal Conditioners with AGC and Back-Porch Clamp General Description The MAX7450/MAX7451/MAX7452 com.MAX31855 - Thermocouple-to-Digital Converter
MAX31855 Cold-Junction Compensated Thermocouple-to-Digital Converter General Description The MAX31855 performs cold-junction compensation and digiti.MAX5128 - Linear-Taper Digital Potentiometer
www.DataSheet4U.com 19-3929; Rev 0; 1/06 128-Tap, Nonvolatile, Linear-Taper Digital Potentiometer in 2mm x 2mm µDFN Package General Description The M.MAX5085 - Low-Quiescent-Current Linear Regulators
19-3928; Rev 0; 1/06 65V, 200mA, Low-Quiescent-Current Linear Regulators in TDFN General Description The MAX5084/MAX5085 high-voltage linear regulato.MAX9814 - Microphone Amplifier
Click here to ask an associate for production status of specific part numbers. Microphone Amplifier with AGC and Low-Noise Microphone Bias MAX9814 .MAX17079 - 4-Level Or 2-Level Logic To High-Voltage Level Shifter
19-2812; Rev 1; 3/10 EVAALVUAAILTAIOBNLEKIT 4-Level or 2-Level Logic to High-Voltage Level Shifter for TFT LCD TV Display MAX17079 General Descripti.MAX9751 - 2.6W Stereo Audio Power Amplifiers and DirectDrive Headphone Amplifiers
19-3006; Rev 8; 6/08 EVALUATION KIT AVAILABLE 2.6W Stereo Audio Power Amplifiers and DirectDrive Headphone Amplifiers MAX9750/MAX9751/MAX9755 Gene.MAX11106 - Serial 12-/10-/8-Bit ADCs
EVALUATION KIT AVAILABLE MAX11102/03/05/06/10/11/15/16/17 2Msps/3Msps, Low-Power, Serial 12-/10-/8-Bit ADCs General Description T h e M A X 1 1 1.