A1123 - Silicon PNP Transistor
Transistor 2SA1123 Silicon PNP epitaxial planer type For low-frequency high breakdown voltage amplification Complementary to 2SC2631 s Features q Sa.D1276 - 2SD1276
Power Transistors 2SD1276, 2SD1276A Silicon NPN triple diffusion planar type darlington 0.7±0.1 Unit: mm 10.0±0.2 5.5±0.2 4.2±0.2 2.7±0.2 For power.UN4212 - Silicon NPN epitaxial planer transistor
Transistors with built-in Resistor UN4211/4212/4213/4214/4215/4216/4217/4218/ 4219/4210/421D/421E/421F/421K/421L Silicon NPN epitaxial planer transis.AN7205 - FM FRONT-END CIRCUIT FOR RADIOS AND RADIO / CASSETTE TAPE RECORDERS (3V OPERATION)
.AN-7523 - BTL Audio-Power
www.DataSheet4U.com www.DataSheet4U.com www.DataSheet4U.com www.DataSheet4U.com .AN7164 - 30 W BTL audio power amplifier
ICs for Audio Common Use AN7164 30 W BTL audio power amplifier s Overview The AN7164 is an integrated circuit designed for 30 W (VCC = 21 V, 8 Ω) out.D2139 - 2SD2139
Power Transistors 2SD2139 Silicon NPN triple diffusion planar type For high-current amplification ratio, power amplification Unit: mm s Features 13..AN78L05M - 3-pin positive output voltage regulator
Voltage Regulators AN78Lxx/AN78LxxM Series 3-pin positive output voltage regulator (100 mA type) I Overview The AN78Lxx series and the AN78LxxM serie.AN1431T - Surface-mount Adjustable Output Shunt Regulator
AN1431T, AN1431M Surface-mount Adjustable Output Shunt Regulator s Overview The AN1431T and AN1431M are high accuracy stabilized power supplies in whi.AN5265 - TV Sound-Output
ICs for Audio Common Use AN5265 TV Sound Output Circuit s Overview ø 2.65±0.1 Unit : mm 8.4±0.25 5.8±0.25 1.5±0.25 6.3 ±0.3 7.1 ±0.25 The AN5265 is .D1267 - 2SD1267
Power Transistors 2SD1267, 2SD1267A Silicon NPN triple diffusion planar type For power amplification Complementary to 2SB942 and 2SB942A Unit: mm 0.7.2SB621A - Silicon PNP Transistor
Transistor 2SB621, 2SB621A Silicon PNP epitaxial planer type For low-frequency output amplification Complementary to 2SD592 and 2SD592A 5.0±0.2 Unit.AN78M05 - 3-pin Positive Output Voltage Regulators
AN78M00/AN78M00F Series 3-pin Positive Output Voltage Regulators (500mA Type) s Overview The AN78M00 and the AN78M00F series are 3-pin fixed positive .D1273 - 2SD1273
Power Transistors 2SD1273, 2SD1273A Silicon NPN triple diffusion planar type For power amplification with high forward current transfer ratio Complem.AN7905T - 3-pin Negative Output Voltage Regulators
AN7900T/AN7900F Series 3-pin Negative Output Voltage Regulators (1A Type) s Overview The AN7900T/AN7900F series is 3-pin fixed negative output type mo.AN8003 - 3-pin/ positive output/ low dropout voltage regulator
Voltage Regulators AN80xx/AN80xxM Series 3-pin, positive output, low dropout voltage regulator (50 mA type) I Overview The AN80xx series and the AN80.AN7218 - FM-AM IF Amplifier Circuit
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