KT0936M - Fully integrated manual pointer FM/LW/MW/SW radio chip
FM/LW/MW/SW Radio-on-a-Chip™ KT0936M(B9) MCU FM—— 32MHz-110MHz LW—— 150KHz-520KHz MW——500KHz -1750KHz SW—— 1.75MHz - 32MHz FM——1.6uVEMF LW.GT911 - 5-Point Capacitive Touch Controller
GT911: 5-Point Capacitive Touch Controller for Small-Sized MID GT911 5-Point Capacitive Touch Controller for Small-Sized MID Rev.09——March 11, 2015 =.M51901P - 12-POINT/23-MODE LED DRIVER
MITSUBISHI LINEAR ICs M51901P 12-POINT/23-MODE LED DRIVER DESCRIPTION The M51901 P is a semiconductor integrated circuit consisting of a driver circ.1N34A - Point Contact Germanium Diode
1N34A Point Contact Germanium Diode Description: The 1N34A is a point contact diode in a DO7 type package employing N−form Germanium and gives an eff.RTL8186 - Wireless LAN Access Point/Gateway Controller
www.DataSheet4U.com RTL8186/RTL8186P WIRELESS LAN ACCESS POINT/ GATEWAY CONTROLLER Preliminary DATASHEET Rev. 0.9 4 Aug 2004 Track ID: XXXXXXXXX R.DS75176B - Multipoint RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers
DS75176B/DS75176BT Multipoint RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers July 1998 DS75176B/DS75176BT Multipoint RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers General Description The .DS75176B - DS75176B/DS75176BT Multipoint RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers (Rev. C)
.PT100 - Platinum Resistance Temperature Detector
www.DataSheet4U.com PT100 Platinum Resistance Temperature Detector 22810 “StikonTM” Model 22810 is a polyimide insulated surface sensor designed to p.Am9512 - Floating-Point Processor
Am9S12 Floating-Point Processor DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Single (32-bit) and double (64-bit) precision capability • Add, subtract, multiply and .GT9271 - 10-Point Capacitive Touch Controller
10-Point Capacitive Touch Controller for MID: GT9271 GT9271 10-Point Capacitive Touch Controller for MID Rev.04——Nov.11, 2014 ====== Disclaimer =====.DS75176BT - Multipoint RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers
DS75176B/DS75176BT Multipoint RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers July 1998 DS75176B/DS75176BT Multipoint RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers General Description The .DS75176BT - DS75176B/DS75176BT Multipoint RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers (Rev. C)
.DS3695T - Multipoint RS485/RS422 Transceivers/Repeaters
DS3695/DS3695T/DS3696/DS3697 Multipoint RS485/RS422 Transceivers/Repeaters May 1998 DS3695/DS3695T/DS3696/DS3697 Multipoint RS485/RS422 Transceivers.AS3588A - DIGITAL TIME/SPACE CROSSPOINT SWITCH
Data Sheet AS3588A DIGITAL TIME/SPACE CROSSPOINT SWITCH Austria Mikro Systeme International AG Key Features n n n n n n n n n n n General Descript.AA119 - Point Contact Diode
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Audio ICs LED level meter driver, 5-point, VU scale BA6144 The BA6144 is a driver IC for LED VU level meters in stereo equipment and other display ap.BA668A - 12-Point Fluorescent Display Tube VU Scale Peak Hold Meter Driver
.M402101BP - 4x8 Crosspoint Switch
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