B-4025X, R-1804X LIGHT BAR Chip Shape Part No. Raw.
DS1804 - Nonvolatile Trimmer Potentiometer
19-5876; Rev 6/11 DS1804 Nonvolatile Trimmer Potentiometer FEATURES Single 100-Position Taper Potentiometer Nonvolatile (NV) On-Demand Wiper Sto.2SD1804 - NPN Transistor
isc Silicon NPN Power Transistor INCHANGE Semiconductor 2SD1804 DESCRIPTION ·Excellent linearity of hFE ·Low Collector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage- : .HY1804 - N-Channel MOSFET
HY1804D/U/S Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Parameter Common Ratings (TC=25°C Unless Otherwise Noted) VDSS Drain-Source Voltage VGSS Gate-Source .D1804 - 2SD1804
Ordering number:ENN2086B PNP/NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistors 2SB1204/2SD1804 High-Current Switching Applications Applications Æ Relay drive.23HS41-1804S - Stepper Motor
Stepper Motor 8HS 11HS 14HM 14HS 14HR 16HM 16HS 17HM 17HS 17HT 17HE 23HR 23HM 23HS 23HT 24HS 24HT 34HR 34HS 34HT 34HF 42HS 42HT □56.8mm(□2.24in.) Ste.TM1804 - Special three-channel LED driver controller
First, The outlines. Three channels LED driving control dedicated circuit TM1804 TM1804 is a three channels LED(light-emitting diode monitor)driving.AB1804 - Real-Time Clock
AB08XX Real-Time Clock Family Date of Issue: November 7, 2013 3.0 x 3.0 mm Page 1 of 34 Abracon Drawing #453567 Revision : A Features • Ultra-l.NAS1804-8 - Lock Nut
LEAST MATERIAL CONDITION .627" .116551..9662"4 mmmm A A .10.6655"mm LMC O .2812.083" mm MAX SECTION A-A 3X SCALE .5000-20 UNJF-3B CUT TAP .500" .NAS1804-3 - Lock Nut
LEAST MATERIAL CONDITION O .83.6319"mm MAX A A .251" 6.38 mm .243 .1900-32UNJF-3B CUT TAP AS8879 .028" 0.71 mm LMC TYP. .190" 4.83 mm MAX SECT.2SD1804-T - NPN Transistor
isc Silicon NPN Power Transistor INCHANGE Semiconductor 2SD1804-T DESCRIPTION ·Excellent linearity of hFE ·Low collector-to-emitter saturation volta.PIC16F18045 - Microcontrollers
PIC16F18015/25/44/45 PIC16F18015/25/44/45 Full-Featured, 8/14/20-Pin Microcontrollers Introduction The PIC16F180 microcontroller family has a suite of.CDP1804AC - CMOS 8-Bit Microprocessor
1800-Serles Microprocessors and Microcomputers _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ CDP1804AC TERMINAL ASSIGNMENT CLOCI( WATt cern SCI SCO MRo BUS 7 BUS .DP1804 - Quasi-Resonant PSR CC/CV PWM Power Switch
DP1804 Quasi-Resonant PSR CC/CV PWM Power Switch FEATURES Low Cost Solution Built-in 750V power BJT Quasi-Resonant Primary Side Regulation (QR-PS.2SD1804 - PNP/NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistors
Ordering number:ENN2086B PNP/NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistors 2SB1204/2SD1804 High-Current Switching Applications Applications Æ Relay drive.2SD1804 - Silicon NPN transistor
2SD1804 Rev.E May.-2016 DATA SHEET / Descriptions TO-252 NPN 。Silicon NPN transistor in a TO-252 Plastic Package. / Features ,,fT ,,。 Low VC.2SD1804 - NPN Transistors
SMD Type Transistors NPN Transistors 2SD1804 TO-252 Unit: mm 3.80 ■ Features ● Low Collector-to-Emitter Saturation Voltage ● Fast Switching Spee.NJG1804K64 - SP3T SWITCH GaAs MMIC
NJG1804K64 SP3T SWITCH GaAs MMIC I GENERAL DESCRIPTION The NJG1804K64 is a GaAs SP3T switch MMIC which is suitable for WLAN(802.11a/b/g/n/ac) and Bl.TM1804 - Special three-channel LED driver control circuit
LED TM1804 TM1804LED(),MCU 、 、LED ,VDD5V。 MCU、 。、。 CMOS 24V VDD5V VDD,6V~24V ,256,1024 :RC, , PWM256,400Hz 30/s,512,1024 400Kbps800Kbps :SOP.LT1804 - Rail-to-Rail Input and Output Op Amps
+ – U U LT1803/LT1804/LT1805 Single/Dual/Quad 100V/µs, 85MHz, Rail-to-Rail Input and Output Op Amps FEATURES s Slew Rate: 100V/µs s Gain Bandwidth .