FM24C02C - 2-Wire Serial EEPROM
FM24C02C 2-Wire Serial EEPROM Data Sheet Jul. 2014 FM24C02C 2-wrie Serial EEPROM Ver1.6 Data Sheet 1 INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT IS INTENDED AS A.AT24C02C - EEPROM
AT24C01C and AT24C02C I2C-Compatible (2-wire) Serial EEPROM 1-Kbit (128 x 8), 2-Kbit (256 x 8) DATASHEET Features Low-voltage Operation ̶ VCC = 1.7V.K24C02C - Two-wire Serial EEPROM
K24C02C / K24C04 / K24C08C / K24C16B Spring 2011 K24C02C/K24C04/K24C08C/K24C16B 2K bits (256 X 8) / 4K bits (512 X 8) / 8K bits (1024 X 8) / 16K bit.24C02C - 2-Kbit 5.0V I2C Serial EEPROM
24C02C 2-Kbit 5.0V I2C Serial EEPROM Features • Single-Supply with Operation from 4.5V to 5.5V • Low-Power CMOS Technology: - Read current: 1 mA, .AT24C02C - I2C-Compatible (Two-Wire) Serial EEPROM
AT24C01C/AT24C02C I²C-Compatible (Two-Wire) Serial EEPROM 1‑Kbit (128 x 8), 2‑Kbit (256 x 8) Features • Low-Voltage Operation: – VCC = 1.7V to 5.5V • .CAT24C02C - 2K-Bit Serial E2PROM
CAT24C02C 2K-Bit Serial E2PROM FEATURES s 400 KHZ I C Bus Compatible* s 1.8 to 6.0Volt Operation s Low Power CMOS Technology 2 s Page Write Buffer s .S-24C02C - 2-WIRE SERIAL E2PROM
NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGN S-24C01C/02C © Seiko Instruments Inc., 2008-2011 2-WIRE SERIAL E2PROM Rev.4.0_00_C The S-24C01C/02C .P24C02C - I2C-Compatible Serial E2PROM
P24C02C/P24C04C P24C08C/P24C16C I2C-Compatible Serial E2PROM Datasheet Rev.2.3 General Description The P24C02C/P24C04C/P24C08C/P24C16C is 2/4/8/16-Kbi.