MCC Features • • • • • .
A tognum Group Brand Diesel Engine-Generator Set 400-XS6DT3 400 ekW 60 Hz Standby / / 208 - 600V System Ratings Standby Voltage (L-L) Phase .40-JS6DT3 - DIESEL ENGINE-GENERATOR SET
A tognum Group Brand Diesel Engine-Generator Set 40-JS6DT3 40 ekW / 60 Hz / Standby 208 - 600V System Ratings Standby Voltage (L-L) Phase PF Hz .200-JS6DT3 - DIESEL ENGINE-GENERATOR SET
A tognum Group Brand Diesel Engine-Generator Set 200-JS6DT3 200 ekW 60 Hz Standby / / 208 - 600V System Ratings Standby Voltage (L-L) Phase .20-JS6DT4 - DIESEL ENGINE-GENERATOR SET
A tognum Group Brand Diesel Engine-Generator Set 20-JS6DT4 20 ekW / 60 Hz / Standby 208 - 600V System Ratings Standby Voltage (L-L) Phase PF Hz .60-JS6DT3 - DIESEL ENGINE-GENERATOR SET
A tognum Group Brand Diesel Engine-Generator Set 60-JS6DT3 60 ekW / 60 Hz / Standby 208 - 600V System Ratings Standby Voltage (L-L) Phase PF Hz .250-XS6DT3 - DIESEL ENGINE-GENERATOR SET
A tognum Group Brand Diesel Engine-Generator Set 250-XS6DT3 250 ekW / 60 Hz / Standby 208 - 600V System Ratings Standby Voltage (L-L) Phase PF H.250-JS6DT3 - DIESEL ENGINE-GENERATOR SET
A tognum Group Brand Diesel Engine-Generator Set 250-JS6DT3 250 ekW 60 Hz Standby / / 208 - 600V System Ratings Standby Voltage (L-L) Phase .100-JS6DT3 - DIESEL ENGINE-GENERATOR SET
A tognum Group Brand Diesel Engine-Generator sET 100-JS6DT3 100 ekW / 60 Hz / Standby 208 - 600V System Ratings Standby Voltage (L-L) Phase PF Hz.125-JS6DT3 - DIESEL ENGINE-GENERATOR SET
A tognum Group Brand Diesel Engine-Generator Set 125-JS6DT3 125 ekW / 60 Hz / Standby 208 - 600V System Ratings Standby Voltage (L-L) Phase PF Hz.150-JS6DT3 - DIESEL ENGINE-GENERATOR SET
A tognum Group Brand Diesel Engine-Generator Set 150-JS6DT3 150 ekW 60 Hz Standby / / 208 - 600V System Ratings Standby Voltage (L-L) Phase .275-XS6DT3 - DIESEL ENGINE-GENERATOR SET
A tognum Group Brand Diesel Engine-Generator Set 275-XS6DT3 275 ekW 60 Hz Standby / / 208 - 600V System Ratings Standby Voltage (L-L) Phase .230-JS6DT3 - DIESEL ENGINE-GENERATOR SET
A tognum Group Brand Diesel Engine-Generator Set 230-JS6DT3 230 ekW 60 Hz Standby / / 208 - 600V System Ratings Standby Voltage (L-L) Phase .275-JS6DT3 - DIESEL ENGINE-GENERATOR SET
A tognum Group Brand Diesel Engine-Generator Set 275-JS6DT3 275 ekW 60 Hz Standby / / 208 - 600V System Ratings Standby Voltage (L-L) Phase .NVLJWS6D0N04CL - N-Channel MOSFET
MOSFET - Power, Single N-Channel 40 V, 5 mW, 68 A NVLJWS6D0N04CL Features • Small Footprint for Compact Design • Low RDS(on) to Minimize Conduction L.NTMTS6D0N15MC - N-Channel Power MOSFET
MOSFET – Power, Single N-Channel, DFNW8 150 V, 6.4 mW, 135 A NTMTS6D0N15MC Features • Small Footprint (8x8 mm) for Compact Design • Low RDS(on) to M.ADS6D60F - 4 Quadrants Triacs
ADV ADS6D60F/80F 4 Quadrants Triacs General Description High current.S6D - 6 Amp Silicon Rectifier 50 to 1000 Volts
MCC Features • • • • • omponents 21201 Itasca Street Chatsworth !"# $ % !"# S6A THRU S.500-XS6DT2 - DIESEL ENGINE-GENERATOR SET
A tognum Group Brand Diesel Engine-Generator Set 500-XS6DT2 500 ekW 60 Hz Standby / / 208 - 600V System Ratings Standby Voltage (L-L) Phase .NCS6D1205C - DC/DC Converters NCS6 Series Isolated 6W 4:1 Input Single & Dual Output DC-DC Converters FEATURES UL 60950 recognised RoHS compliant 4:1 Wide.DME44S6DG - DC Brush Motors
DME44 ●DIMENSIONS Unit mm(inch) DME44SA, DME44SB MODEL CODE VOLTAGE OUTPUT CURRENT SA 12V 9.2W 1.31A SB 24V 9.2W 0.65A BB 24V 14.8W 0.94A DME4.