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MASW-011052 - HMIC Silicon PIN Diode SP2T Switch
MASW-011052 HMIC Silicon PIN Diode SP2T Switch with Integrated Bias Network 2 - 18 GHz Rev. V2 Features Broad Bandwidth Specified up to 18 GHz .MASW-011036 - Ka-Band High Power Terminated SPDT PIN Switch
MASW-011036 Ka-Band High Power Terminated SPDT PIN Switch 26 - 40 GHz Rev. V7 Features Broadband Performance, 26 to 40 GHz Low Loss <1 dB Hig.MASW-011053 - HMIC Silicon PIN Diode SP3T Switch
MASW-011053 HMIC Silicon PIN Diode SP3T Switch with Integrated Bias Network 2 - 18 GHz Rev. V1 Features Broad Bandwidth Specified up to 18 GHz .MASW-011021 - Silicon PIN Diode SPDT Switch
MASW-011021 SURMOUNTTM Silicon PIN Diode SPDT Switch 6 - 14 GHz Features Specified from 8 GHz to 12 GHz Low Insertion Loss High Isolation Low.MASW-001100-1190 - (MASW-00x100-119x) Broadband Monolithic Silicon PIN Diode Switches
www.DataSheet4U.com Broadband Monolithic Silicon PIN Diode Switches Rev 2.0 Features • Broad Bandwidth Specified from 50MHz to 20GHz Usable from 50MH.MADR-011020 - -20 V to -50 V Driver for AlGaAs PIN Diode Switches
MADR-011020 -20 V to -50 V Driver for AlGaAs PIN Diode Switches Rev. V2 Features -20 V to -50 V Back Bias 50 mA Sinking / Sourcing Current Pr.SW-110-PIN - GaAs SPDT Reflective Switch
SW-110-PIN GaAs SPDT Reflective Switch with TTL/CMOS Control Input, DC-3.0 GHz Features • 1 dB Compression Point: +39 dBm Typical, -8V Control • IP3.MASW-011021-14010G - Silicon PIN Diode SPDT Switch
MASW-011021 SURMOUNTTM Silicon PIN Diode SPDT Switch 6 - 14 GHz Features Specified from 8 GHz to 12 GHz Low Insertion Loss High Isolation Low.MASW-011021-001SMB - Silicon PIN Diode SPDT Switch
MASW-011021 SURMOUNTTM Silicon PIN Diode SPDT Switch 6 - 14 GHz Features Specified from 8 GHz to 12 GHz Low Insertion Loss High Isolation Low.MA4SW110 - Silicon PIN Diode Switches
MA4SWx10 Series HMIC™ Silicon PIN Diode Switches Features Broad Bandwidth Specified from 50 MHz to 20 GHz Usable from 50 MHz to 26.5 GHz Lower.MA4SW110 - Monolithic PIN Diode Switches
0RQROLWKLF3,1'LRGH6ZLWFKHV 0$6:0$6:0$6: 0$6:0$6:0$6: 0RQROLWKLF3,1 'LRGH6ZLWFKHV )HDWXUHV %RUDG%DQGZLGWK • 6S.SW-110-PIN - GaAs SPDT Reflective Switch
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