EV1527 - OTP Encoder
EV1527 OTP Encoder EV1527 Description: (Compatible:EV1527,RT1527,FP1527) EV1527 is OTP Encoder utilizing CMOS technology process. EV1527 hai a maximum.HS1527 - OTP Encoder
HS1527 OTP Encoder HS1527 Description: (Compatible:EV1527,RT1527,FP1527) HS1527 is OTP Encoder utilizing CMOS technology process. HS1527 hai a maximum.NVP6021 - AHD Video Encoder
NVP6021 Information contained here is subject to change without notice. Make sure to check and use an updated version of the Data sheet. www.nextchip..74148 - 8-3 Line Priority Encoder
MM54HC148 MM74HC148 8-3 Line Priority Encoder February 1988 MM54HC148 MM74HC148 8-3 Line Priority Encoder General Description This priority encoder.CEV65M - Absolute Encoder
Absolute-Encoder CEV 65 S/M - PN i • • • • • • Eglishalde 6 D-78647 Trossingen Tel. +49 - (0) 74 25 / 228 - 0 Fax +49 - (0) 74 25 / 228 - 33 http://.LPD3806-360BM - Incremental two-phase rotary encoder
インクリメンタル2ロータリエンコーダ LPD3806-360BM ・インクリメンタルロータリエンコーダです。 ・A /B のであり、のをもとに のができます。 ・オープンコレクタであり、5V〜24V のレンジにします。 ・ LPD3806-360BM-G5-24C インク.ERN1387 - Rotary Encoders
Product Information ECN 1313 ECN 1325 ERN 1321 ERN 1387 Rotary Encoders with Plane-Surface Coupling for Elevator Servo Drive Control October 2013 E.LPD3806-100BM-G5-24C - DIGITAL OPTICAL ROTARY ENCODER
DIGITAL OPTICAL ROTARY ENCODER LPD3806-100BM-G5-24C Wiring: Green = A phase White = B phase Red = Vcc positive power supply Black = V0 (Ground) Anoth.UM3750 - Programmable Encoder/Decoder
UN13750 Programmable Encoder/Decoder Single chip contains both Encoder and Decoder. 3V to 11 V operation. On chip oscillator uses non-critical RC com.CIR2262BM - Fixed code encoder tristate
Èý̬¹¶¨Âë±àÆ÷ ¸ÅÊö CIR2262BM Ê Ç Ò » ¿ î È ý Ì ¬ ¹ Ì ¶ ¨ Â ë ± à Â ë ¼ ¯ ³ É µ ç ·£¬ËüºÍ ¾ÝʹÓòÉÌùƬ ̬µ ½Ïͨ³£µ ØÖ·¹Ü½Å£¬ Ä ºÏ²úÆ·Ìå»ýµÄ¼õСºÍÉú².HEDS-9730 - Small Optical Encoder
HEDS-973x Series Small Optical Encoder Modules Data Sheet Description The HEDS-973x series is a high performance, low cost, optical incremental encod.KY-040 - Rotary encoder
KY-040 Rotary encoder KY-040 Rotary encoder Contents 1 Picture ........PT2240 - Programmable Encoder IC
Princeton Technology Corp. Tel: 886-2-29162151 Fax: 886-2-29174598 URL: http://www.princeton.com.tw Programmable Encoder IC PT2240 Description PT2.HCS300 - KEE LOQ Code Hopping Encoder
HCS300 Code Hopping Encoder* FEATURES Security • • • • • • Programmable 28-bit serial number Programmable 64-bit encryption key Each transmission is u.SCT2260 - remote control encoder
Shen Zhen Silvan Chip Electronics Tech. Co., Ltd. SCT2260 1. SCT2260 SCT2260 CMOS , , ,/, PT2260 。 2. SCT2260 ◆ CMOS , ◆ : 3v~12v SCT2260 ◆ .FX335 - CTCSS Encoder / Decoder
CML Microcircuits COMMUNICATION SEMICONDUCTORS CML Product Data In the process of creating a more global image, the three standard product semiconduct.PT2260 - REMOTE CONTROL ENCODER
Princeton Technology Corp. REMOTE CONTROL ENCODER Tel: 886-2-29162151 Fax: 886-2-29174598 URL: http://www.princeton.com.tw PT 2260 PT 2260 is a remo.