DP2525 - Low Cost Primary Side Regulation(PSR) PWM Power Switch
DP2525 Low Cost Primary Side Regulation(PSR) PWM Power Switch FEATURES Low Cost Solution Buil-in 800V power BJT Multi-Mode PSR Control ±Audio Noise F.AP3771 - LOW-POWER OFF-LINE PRIMARY SIDE REGULATION CONTROLLER
NEW PRODUCT A Product Line of Diodes Incorporated AP3771 LOW-POWER OFF-LINE PRIMARY SIDE REGULATION CONTROLLER Description Pin Assignments The AP3.KP2130 - Quasi-Resonant Primary Side Regulation CV/CC Power Switch
KP213X Quasi-Resonant Primary Side Regulation CV/CC Power Switch FEATURES Built-in 800V High Voltage Power BJT Quasi-Resonant Primary Side Regula.STR5A164D - Primary Side Regulation Off-Line PWM Controllers
Primary Side Regulation Off-Line PWM Controllers with Integrated Power MOSFET STR5A100D Series General Descriptions The STR5A100D series is power IC .KP2120SG - Multi-Mode Primary Side Regulation QR-Buck CV/CC Power Switch
、 KP212X ⚫ 650V MOSFET ⚫ ◼ (SEL ) ◼ (SEL= GND) ⚫ ±4%、 ⚫ <70mW ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ : ◼ (SLP) ◼ (OTP) ◼ (OCP) ◼ (LEB) ◼ ◼ VDD ⚫ SOP-7/8、DIP-7.OB2212 - Primary-Side Regulation PWM Power Switch
OB2211/OB2212 Primary-Side Regulation PWM Power Switch GENERAL DESCRIPTION OB2211/OB2212 is an offline PWM Power switch for low power AC/DC charger an.SDC9172 - 12V PWM speed regulation low noise single coil motor driver
Machine Translated by Google Data Sheet 12V PWM speed regulation low noise single coil motor driverÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿ ÿÿ ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ SDC9172 Overview .OB2216 - Primary-Side Regulation PWM Power Switch
OB2216 Primary-Side Regulation PWM Power Switch GENERAL DESCRIPTION OB2216 is an offline PWM Power switch for low power AC/DC charger and adaptor appl.OB2211 - Primary-Side Regulation PWM Power Switch
OB2211/OB2212 Primary-Side Regulation PWM Power Switch GENERAL DESCRIPTION OB2211/OB2212 is an offline PWM Power switch for low power AC/DC charger an.DP2522 - Quasi-Resonant Primary Side Regulation CC/CV Controller
DP2522 Quasi-Resonant Primary Side Regulation CC/CV Controller FEATURES Quasi-Resonant Primary Side Regulation (QR-PSR) Control with High Efficien.U6215B - Quasi-Resonant Primary Side Regulation
Description U6215A&B&C Data Sheet Quasi-Resonant Primary Side Regulation CV/CC Power Switch Features U6215 is a high performance Quasi Resona.6215A - Quasi-Resonant Primary Side Regulation CV/CC Power Switch
6215A&B&C Quasi-Resonant Primary Side Regulation CV/CC Power Switch FEATURES Built-in 700V Power BJT Quasi-Resonant Primary Side Regulation (QR-P.KP2122DP - Multi-Mode Primary Side Regulation QR-Buck CV/CC Power Switch
、 KP212X ⚫ 650V MOSFET ⚫ ◼ (SEL ) ◼ (SEL= GND) ⚫ ±4%、 ⚫ <70mW ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ : ◼ (SLP) ◼ (OTP) ◼ (OCP) ◼ (LEB) ◼ ◼ VDD ⚫ SOP-7/8、DIP-7.KP2124DP - Multi-Mode Primary Side Regulation QR-Buck CV/CC Power Switch
、 KP212X ⚫ 650V MOSFET ⚫ ◼ (SEL ) ◼ (SEL= GND) ⚫ ±4%、 ⚫ <70mW ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ : ◼ (SLP) ◼ (OTP) ◼ (OCP) ◼ (LEB) ◼ ◼ VDD ⚫ SOP-7/8、DIP-7.LNK6407D - Accurate Primary-Side Regulation CV/CC Switcher
LNK64x4-64x8 LinkSwitch-3 Family Energy-Efficient, Accurate Primary-Side Regulation CV/CC Switcher for Adapters and Chargers Product Highlights Drama.DP3772 - Quasi-Resonant Primary Side Regulation CC/CV Controller
DP3772 Quasi-Resonant Primary Side Regulation CC/CV Controller FEATURES Quasi-Resonant Primary Side Regulation (QR-PSR) Control with High Efficien.KP2123SG - Multi-Mode Primary Side Regulation QR-Buck CV/CC Power Switch
、 KP212X ⚫ 650V MOSFET ⚫ ◼ (SEL ) ◼ (SEL= GND) ⚫ ±4%、 ⚫ <70mW ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ : ◼ (SLP) ◼ (OTP) ◼ (OCP) ◼ (LEB) ◼ ◼ VDD ⚫ SOP-7/8、DIP-7.KP2131 - Quasi-Resonant Primary Side Regulation CV/CC Power Switch
KP213X Quasi-Resonant Primary Side Regulation CV/CC Power Switch FEATURES Built-in 800V High Voltage Power BJT Quasi-Resonant Primary Side Regula.6215B - Quasi-Resonant Primary Side Regulation CV/CC Power Switch
6215A&B&C Quasi-Resonant Primary Side Regulation CV/CC Power Switch FEATURES Built-in 700V Power BJT Quasi-Resonant Primary Side Regulation (QR-P.U6215A - Quasi-Resonant Primary Side Regulation
Description U6215A&B&C Data Sheet Quasi-Resonant Primary Side Regulation CV/CC Power Switch Features U6215 is a high performance Quasi Resona.