
AD5307 Datasheet, Analog Devices

AD5307 dacs equivalent, 8-/10-/12-bit dacs.

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AD5307 Datasheet

Features and benefits

GENERAL DESCRIPTION AD5307: 4 buffered 8-bit DACs in 16-lead TSSOP A version: ±1 LSB INL; B version: ±0.625 LSB INL AD5317: 4 buffered 10-bit DACs in 16-lead TSSOP A ve.


Portable battery-powered instruments DACs to 0 V. The outputs of all DACs can be updated simultaneously using the async.


AD5307: 4 buffered 8-bit DACs in 16-lead TSSOP A version: ±1 LSB INL; B version: ±0.625 LSB INL AD5317: 4 buffered 10-bit DACs in 16-lead TSSOP A version: ±4 LSB INL; B version: ±2.5 LSB INL AD5327: 4 buffered 12-bit DACs in 16-lead TSSOP A version:.

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