AD9066 converter equivalent, dual 6-bit/ 60 msps monolithic a/d converter.
Two Matched ADCs on Single Chip CMOS-Compatible I/O Low-Power (400 mW) Dissipation Single +5 V Supply On-Chip Voltage Reference Self-Biased for AC-Coupled Inputs 28-Lead .
Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS) Receivers QAM Demodulators Wireless LANs VSAT Receivers
Dual 6-Bit, 60 MSPS Monolithic.
ENCODE 1 +VS 2 GND 3 GND 4 +VS 5 INA 6 GND 7
28 D5A (MSB) 27 D4A 26 D3A 25 D2A 24 D1A
The AD9066 is a dual 6-bit ADC that has been optimized for low-cost in-phase and quadrature (I and Q) demodulators. Primary applications includ.
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