
QTLP600C-O Datasheet, Fairchild Semiconductor

QTLP600C-O 0603 equivalent, (qtlp600c-x) surface mount led lamp super bright 0603.

QTLP600C-O Avg. rating / M : 1.0 rating-11

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QTLP600C-O Datasheet

Features and benefits

* Small footprint - 1.6(L) X 0.8(W) X 0.8(H) mm
* AllnGaP technology for -R, -E, -O, -Y and -AG
* InGaN/SiC technology for -IG and -IB
* Wide viewing angl.


* Keypad backlighting
* Push-button backlighting
* LCD backlighting Dimensions for all drawings are in inch.


These surface mount chip LEDs are designed to fit industry standard footprint. Small size, low profile and wide viewing angle make these LEDs ideal choices for backlighting applications and panel illumination. FEATURES
* Small footprint - 1.6(L).

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