IDTAS4624 switch equivalent, single spdt analog switch.
a 0.5Ω (max) RON for its NC switch and a 0.8Ω (max) RON for its NO switch at a +2.7 V supply. It also features break-before-make switching action (2 ns) with tON = 50 ns .
Speaker headset switching MP3 players Battery-operated equipment Audio and vid.
The IDTAS4624 low on-resistance (RON), low voltage, single-pole/double-throw (SPDT) analog switch operates from a single +1.8 V to +5.5 V supply. The IDTAS4624 features a 0.5Ω (max) RON for its NC switch and a 0.8Ω (max) RON for its NO switch at a +2.
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