high current pn half bridge.
* Path resistance of max. 12.8 mΩ @ 25°C (typ. 10.0 mΩ @ 25°C)
High side: max. 6.5 mΩ @ 25°C (typ. 5.3 mΩ @ 25°C) Low side: max. 6.3 mΩ @ 25°C (typ. 4.7 mΩ @ 25°C)
It is part of the Industrial & Multi Purpose NovalithIC™ family containing one p-channel high-side MOSFET and one n-cha.
The IFX007T is an integrated high current half bridge for motor drive applications. It is part of the Industrial & Multi Purpose NovalithIC™ family containing one p-channel high-side MOSFET and one n-channel low-side MOSFET with an integrated driver .
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