
IDT79R4640 Datasheet, Integrated Device

IDT79R4640 microprocessor equivalent, low-cost embedded orion risc microprocessor.

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IDT79R4640 Datasheet

Features and benefits

* High-performance embedded 64-bit microprocessor - 64-bit integer operations - 64-bit registers - Based on the MIPS RISC Architecture - 80MHz, 100MHz, 133 MHz and 15.


The R4640 continues the ORION tradition of highperformance through high-speed pipelines, high-bandwidth caches and bus .


The IDT79R4640 is a low-cost member of the Integrated Device Technology, Inc. ORION family, targeted to a variety of performance-hungry embedded applications. The R4640 continues the ORION tradition of highperformance through high-speed pipelines, h.

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