PIC12C671 microcontroller equivalent, 8-bit cmos microcontroller.
* Four-channel, 8-bit A/D converter
* 8-bit real time clock/counter (TMR0) with 8-bit programmable prescaler
* 1,000,000 erase/write cycle EEPROM data memor.
requiring low-cost analog interface, (i.e., thermostat control, pressure sensing, etc.)
The PIC12C67X devices have speci.
...... 3 2.0 PIC12C67X Device Varieties .. 5 3.0 Architectural Overview .. 7 4.0 Memory Organization.. 11 5.0 I/O Port.... 25 6.0 EEPROM Peripheral Operation ...... 33 7.0 Timer0 Module .. 39 8.0 Analog-to-Digital Converter (A/D) Module. 45 9.0 Speci.
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