
SOC2222AHR Datasheet, STMicroelectronics

SOC2222AHR transistor equivalent, 0.8a npn transistor.

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SOC2222AHR Datasheet

Features and benefits

Vceo 50 V IC(max.) 0.8 A HFE at 10 V, 150 mA > 100 Tj(max.) 200 °C
* Hermetic packages
* ESCC qualified
* 100 krad Description The SOC2222AHR is a bipo.


and suitable for low current and high precision circuits such preamplifiers, oscillators, current mirror configuration. .


The SOC2222AHR is a bipolar transistor able to operate under severe environment conditions and radiation exposure providing high immunity to total ionizing dose (TID). Qualified as per ESCC 5201/002 specification and available in LCC-3 hermetic pack.

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