
LE25LB642CT Datasheet, Sanyo Semicon Device

LE25LB642CT eeprom equivalent, serial spi eeprom.

LE25LB642CT Avg. rating / M : 1.0 rating-12

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LE25LB642CT Datasheet

Features and benefits

* Capacity
* Single supply voltage
* Serial interface
* Operating clock frequency
* Low current dissipation
* Page write function
* Rewrite ti.


that require small-scale rewritable nonvolatile parameter memory. Moreover, the LE25LB642CT has a 32 bytes page rewrite .


PIN.1 PIN.2 VDD HOLD SCK SI VSS WP SO CS Power supply Hold Serial clock Serial data input Ground Write protect Serial data output Chip select 1 2 3 4 PIN.3 PIN.4 PIN.5 8 7 6 5 PIN.6 PIN.7 PIN.8 1.52 x 1.02 x 0.35(max) Block Diagram ADDR.

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