
MC65F232C Datasheet, Thermometrics

MC65F232C thermistor equivalent, insulated lead interchangeable chip thermistor.

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MC65F232C Datasheet

Features and benefits

* Precision, solid state temperature sensor
* Interchangeability down to ±0.05 °C
* Suitable for use over the range of
  –40°C to +105°C www.Da.


* Most popular R-vs-T curves are available
* Fully insulated
* Resin coated for good mechanical strength and.


Epoxy Coated interchangeable chip thermistors with heavy isomid insulated Nickel lead-wires. FEATURES:
* Precision, solid state temperature sensor
* Interchangeability down to ±0.05 °C
* Suitable for use over the range of

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