ir/low-voltage microcontroller.
Part Z86E73 Z86L73 Z86E74 Z86L74 ROM (Kbyte) 32 32 32 32 RAM* One-Time (Kbyte) Programmable 1004 Yes 492 No 1004 Yes 1004 No Speed (MHz) 8 8 8 8
s s
Expanded Register Fi.
demanding powerful I/O capabilities, the Z86E73/L73's dedicated input and output lines are grouped into four ports, and .
The Z86E73/L73/E74/L74 are ROM-based members of Zilog's Z8® single-chip microcontroller family of infrared (IR) consumer controller processors featuring fast and flexible code execution. The Z86E73/E74 devices offer a one-time programmable (OTP) opti.
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