analog-to-digital converter.
* 13-Bit Resolution
* 210 MSPS Sample Rate
* SNR = 69 dBc at 100-MHz IF and 210 MSPS
* SFDR = 76 dBc at 100-MHz IF and 210 MSPS
* SNR = 68.1 dBc at 23.
* Test and Measurement
* Software-Defined Radio
* Multi-channel Basestation Receivers
* Basestation Tx D.
The ADS5440 is a 13-bit 210 MSPS analog-to-digital converter (ADC) that operates from a 5 V supply, while providing LVDS-compatible digital outputs from a 3.3 V supply. The ADS5440 input buffer isolates the internal switching of the onboard track and.
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