BFQ135 Datasheet, transistor equivalent, NXP

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Part number: BFQ135

Manufacturer: NXP (

File Size: 78.62KB

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Description: NPN 6.5 GHz wideband transistor

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BFQ135 Features and benefits

* Optimum temperature profile and excellent reliability properties ensured by emitter-ballasting resistors and application of gold sandwich metallization. APPLICATION.

BFQ135 Application

* MATV and microwave amplifiers, such as in aerial amplifiers, radar systems, oscilloscopes, spectrum analysers, etc.

BFQ135 Description

NPN wideband transistor in a 4-lead dual-emitter SOT172A2 package with a ceramic cap. All leads are isolated from the mounting base. PINNING 2 fpage BFQ135 4 3 1 PIN 1 2, 4 3 DESCRIPTION collector emitter base Top view MSA457 Fig.1 SOT172A2. M.

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